Jun 17 1887
street sewer extended to the east line of Seventh St
On motion of Councilman Frink the petition is granted
and the surveyor directed to report the size of the sewer
required and the Purchasing Agent directed to purchase
the necessary material.
Communication from Seattle Gas Light Co asking
that before action is taken in regard to lighting the
City Offices, Engine Houses and Jail the petitioner
be permitted to make tenders for the same service.
Referred to Street Light Committee
Communication for Seattle Cable Road and Water
Company concerning the petition for a franhise
heretofore filed by said company, stating that
the Company will commence work within three
months from date of franchise or sooner if required
by the Council upon such streets as are now graded &
will agree to finish , equip, and operate said Cable Road
over all the Streets included within said Cable Road
over all the streets included within the franchise
within six months after such streets shall have been
graded. Referred to Street Committee.
Remonstrance of W V Rinehart & others against widening
and extending Second Street as proposed.
Passed for the present.
Petition of W A Stevens for permission to build a two
storey wooden building on South side of Washington
Street between South Second and South Third Streets
Referred to Street Committee.
His Honor the Mayor returns to the Council an
Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to widern extend and
establish Second Street inthe City of Seattle W T,
and to provide for the condemnatinof real estate
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