Jun 17 1887
necessary therefore with his objections to said Ordinance
in writing as follows viz:
To the Common Council of the City of Seattle.
On June 13th 1887 at a regular meeting
you passed an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to widen,
extend, and establish Second Street in the City of Seattle
W T , and to provide for the condemnation of real estate nec-
essary therefor". Under the above ordinance Second Street is
widened 24 feet of 12 feet in width from Depot
Street to Mill Street. From Mill Street theordinance
provides Second Street shall be extended directly continu-
ous of and parallel of Second Street to a point near
Plummer Street on Grant Street, the same width of 90 feet.
This would undoubtedly present a fine appearance and
be of great importance from a business stand point, but
numerous objection are urged against the ordinance. The
widening of Second Street from Depot Street to Mill Street
is not very expensive and the burden would be compara-
tively light; and be worth a great deal more than the
outlay. The continuation and extension of Second Street
diagonally across business blocks, and valuable properties
and improvements is a very expensive affair and it is a
serious question whether the advantages derived from the
Street being so extended would at all compare with the
enormous expense. Second Street when widened as provided
in the Ordinance to Mill may be made continuous with
South Third Street by a condemning only a small
piece of property at a conparative small expense, and
without any destruction fo business property othere than
a little corner Second amd Third Streets may this be run into
one and widen South Third Street to 90 feet to say King St
run from King Street to the aforsaid point in Grant
St by going either by way of established streets or else
diagonally across blocks and condemn the necessary
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