Jun 17 1887
property therefor, Second Street if so widened from Depot
Street by way of South Third Street to King Street and
from there continuous and extended to Grant Street
would be as good a street as the one proposed
by the above entitled Ordinance, and yet the cost
thereof would be almost nothing as compared
with the street proposed to be widened and established
by the Ordinance. I believe it therefore to be my
duty to vetoe the above entitled Ordinance and have
accordingly returned the same with the foregoing
reasons for my objections thereto. You will please
take such action as you may deem proper in
relation to the Ordinance.
Very Respectfully
W H Shoudy mayor
On motion the consideration of the Mayor's Communi-
cation is passed for the present.
Committee Reports Rec'd
From Street Committee on petition of Ruth Cooper et al
recommending that said petition be granted so far as to
open Virginia Street from Front Street to Seventh Street
but not so as to lay the sidewalk asked for.
From Same Committee granting petition of Samuel
Ware to move building on Block 10 Maynard's Plat
From Same committee laying over the petition of H L
Yesler and others to grade Mill Street as the Com-
ittee are of the opinion there are noat a sufficient
number of signers to the petition. Adopted.
From same Committee rejecting petition of Wm Lides &
Otto Ranke as it appears to the Committee there is no
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