Jun 17 1887
Also asking that the Street commissioner be
instructed to make Dearborn Street passable at
Eleventh Street. Referred to Street Comittee
Verbal report from Committee onHelath& Policeon
petitionfo W B Spencer & others to remove the Creosoting
Works, Stating that Mr J M Colman has
a contract with the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern
Railway which will be completed within two
months when he will remove the works.
From Committee on License & Revenue
asking further time to report on petition of H M Peters
& others to reduce liquor license. Adopted.
Applications for Licenses Granted
John Shepich, Thomas Anderson, Barratt and
LeBlanc, & Martin Lange & Co.
The vote upon issuing said licenses is as fol-
lows Ayes Frink, Hinckley, Lake, Russell, & Reitze
Noes none.
Applications Referred
Blanchard & Campbell, Beede & Sinclair, Becker & Fox
andCharles F O'Hara.
On motion of Councilman Frink the Finance
committee is empowered to purchase Lots 9 & 12 Blk
52 A A Denny's 3rd Addition known as the North School
House property for the City for the sum of $4000.00
Seventh Street Grade
On motion the Council now proceeds to open and
consider bids for the improvement of Seventh Street
under ordinance No 829 as follows viz:
Bid of W E Wilson
Earthwork pr cubic yard 32&1/2 cents
Sidewalks per [thousand] B M $15.00
Box Drains per [thousand] B M $15.00
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