Jul 15 1887
Remonstrance of Fred Gasch and others against grading
Madison Street extension. Read and Referred to Street Committee.
Petition of H H McDonald for permissionto use powder
in clearing land within the City Limits, read and on
motion granted.
Petition of Kline & Roseberg for permission to place
signs on the Grant Street Bridge under the direction
of the Street Commissioner, read and on motion granted.
communication from the City Surveyor calling the at-
tention of the Council to the condition of the bridge
on Jefferson Street between Fourth Street and Fifth St
and reporting the same in an unsafe condition is read
and referred to the Street Committee.
Report of City Jailor for month of June is re-
ferred to Finance Committee.
Committee Reports Rec'd
From Finance Committee rejecting petition of W H
Hughes asking that certain taxes be refunded to
Wm Cochrane. adopted.
From same Committee rejecting petition of Western
Union Telegraph Co for the refunding of certain taxes.
Sidewalks Condemned,
Communication received from the Street Committee
recommending that the following sidewalks be condemned
and new sidewalks ordered constructed:
First, South Side of Mill Street, commencing at south
west corner of Commercial Street & Mill Street thence west,
sixty four (64) feet.
Second, on the West Side of Commercial Street, Com-
mencing at the north west corner of Jackson and Com-
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