Jul 15 1887
J J Sullivan Fire 1073 3.00 Washing Hose
Ira Hummell Fire 1074 3.00 Washing Hose
S D Masel Fire 1075 3.00 Washing Hose
Assessment Roll Fourth Street Grade
And now in pursuance of law and notice duly
published the council proceeds to the equalization
of the special Assessment Roll for the Cistrict
created by Ordinance No 836 for the grading of
Fourth Street from Union Street to Bell Street and
building sidewalks on both sides of said Street.
No complaints being made against said assessment
Roll and no one appearing to contest the same:
It is ordered that the said Assessment Roll be
and the same is hereby approved.
Bids for Grading West Street
Pursuant to published notice the council now
proceeds to open bids for grading West Street from
Virginia Street to Cedar Street and building side-
walks on both sides of said street:
On motion the Clerk is directed to return the bid
of W E Wilson to him unopened it not having been
filed within the time required by the published call
for bids:
Bid of O'Day and Anderson
Earthwork per cubic yard 32 cents
Clearng and Grubbing per acre $99.00
Bid of Finch & Henderson
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.45
Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.45
Bridge per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.85
Bid of D S Hill & Co
Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $14.75
Bridge & Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $20.00
After due consideration of said bids On motion
it is ordered that the contract for doing the Earth-
work be awarded to O'Day and Anderson and the
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