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237 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jul 21 1887 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Police force and defining the powers and duties and fixing the compensation of certain officers fo the Police Department" which is passed by the following vote, viz: in favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Russell and Reitze Against the same, none. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Approved W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Aug 9 1887 Be it remembered that on this 5th day of August 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law: the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Thos T Minor and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Joseph Green, T W Lake, Robert Moran, U R Neisz, R Russell & C F Reitze and W R Forrest clerk. The following proceedings are had to wit: Mayor's Message His Honor the Mayor now submits to the Council in writing his suggestion concerning future legislation. Election of Officers On motion the council now proceeds to the election of officers with the following result: For City Clerk W R Forrest For City Treasurer E A Turner For Street Commissioner L Cummings For Helath Officer Dr E L Smith For City Surveyor Albro Gardner For Harbor Master Wm Murphy For Sexton O C Shorey For City Jailor James Bogart

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


238 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 For Custodian of the Powder House: Ed L Lindsley For Captain of Police A H Manning For Police Officer O D Butterfield For Police Officer Chas Robinson For Police Officer F A Fay For Police Officer Geo VanDyke For Police Officer P Farraher For Police Officer W M Jones For Police Officer J L McClellan For Police Officer W L Bowers For Police Officer D Phillips And now the Mayor designated the Committees of the Council and the membership thereof as follows: Judiciary } Chairman U R Niesz and } J M Frink Legislative} T W Lake

Public Buildings } Chairman C F Reitze and } Robert Russell Grounds } Robert Moran

Health } Chairman Joseph Green and } C F Reitze Police } Robert Russell

Finance } Chairman J Furth } U R Niesz } J M Frink

Streets } Chairman T W Lake and } C F Reitze Street Improvements} Robert Russell

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


239 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 Fire } Chairman Robert Moran and } J Green Water } Robert Russell

Street Lights } Chairman J Furth } U R Niesz } J Green

License } Chairman U R Niesz and } J M Frink Revenue } J Furth

Harbor } Chairman Robert Russell and } J Green Wharves } Robert Moran

Sewers } Chairman J M Frink and } Robert Moran Drainage } T W Lake Petitions & Communications Petition of W A Scott for drainage account change of grade on Mill Street read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Puget Sound Improvement Company for permission to use a portion of Second & Columbia Streets and also a portion of Pike and Sixth Streets for building material, read and on motion granted. Petition of M Finkelstein for permission to make certain repairs to wooden building occupied by him on Mill Street between Commercial and South Second st read and granted providing the alterations are made inaccordance with the terms of the petition.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


240 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 Remonstrance of H L Yesler and others against grading Seventh Street from Madison Street to Mill Street read and laid on the table for the present and afterwards taken up and on motionthe same is rejected. Comunication from Herman Chapin stating that at a meeting of the property owners along the line of Second Street held July 21st there were chosen: to represent the property owners benefitted George Kinnear esq and to represent the owners of property condemned Francis J Burns esq; Also a communication from W V Rinehart appointing J R Lewis esq to act in his behalf; and also from Mrs Sara H Steves appointing A H Manning to act in her behalf are read: Thereupon His Honor the Mayor appoints Eben Smith esq, an appraiser, to act on behalf of the City; and the communications rec'd & ordered filed. Communication from [R H Thomson]] protesting against the change of grade on Mill Street read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Communication from W H Cowie withdrawing from the bond of Wm McMasters proprietor of the Corner Saloon read and referred to Committee on License & Revenue. Communication from W C Hill proposing to Settle grade and other taxes, read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Monthly Reports Rec'd From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer read and referred to Finance Committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


241 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 From Street Commissioner, Referred to Street com. and returned approved and ordered filed. Report of City Justice H F Jones, referred to Finance Com. Report of City Justice N Soderberg, referred to Judiciary Com. Report of Custodian of Powder House, for May, June and July, read and ordered filed. Committee Reports received. From Street Committee as follows: "we your committee to whom was referred the application of R Scott for permission to relay the sidewalk on Fourth Street corner of Pine Street, beg leave t o report: That there is now a good sidewalk on the premises in question and recommend that Mr Scott be permitted to re-lay said walk under the supervision of the City Surveyor, and that he have the cost of said walk deducted from the assessment on said lot Lot 2 Block 22 A A Denny's Addn Your committee would further recommend that a new sidewalk be built on the South side of Pine Street running east from Third Street 120 feet to the alley and that an assessment district be formed from which to defray the expense of the Same" On motion the report is approved and adopted and the City Atty directed to draw an ordinance providing for such assessment district. From Chairman Lake ofsame committee submitting letter of Capt Chas F Powell regarding purchase of Light House Bell for No 4 Engine House, read and referred to com on Fire & Water. Licenses Ordered Issued. Drown & Rice Retail Intox 6 months from July 16, 1887 H M Duncan Retail Intox 6 months from July 16th, 1887 Henry Robbins Retail Intox 6 months from July 5th, 1887 Dietz & Schnitzlein Retail Intox 6 months from July 1st, 1887 The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows:

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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