Aug 5 1887
Ordered that the contract for grading and improving
Mill Street be awarded to WM Tierney upon his
filing a bond in the sum of $4000.00
Ordered that the contract for grading Madison Street
Extension be awarded to WM Tierney upon his filing a
bond in the sum of $3000.00 and the City Attroney ordered
to prepare the necessary contract and bonds.
Orderd that the Chief of Police be and he is hereby ordered
to discharge all Special Police Officers at once.
Ordered that the Communicationof J M Lyon in regard
to duplicate names of streets in the City be referred to
to the City Surveyor and Committee on Streets.
Ordered that this Council sign a petition to the County
Commissioners calling their attention to the condition
of the present Jail and request that the building be
Ordered that the Pacific Postal Telegraph Co be notified
that their telegraph poles onSeventh Street are not
in the proper place as directed by the Street Commission-
er and that they be requested to put them where required
by ordinance.
The City Clerk submits an Ordinance entitled "A
Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay
audited bills" which is passed by the following vote:
In favor of the same, Furth, Frink, Green, Lake,
Moran, Neisz, Russell and Reitze. Aganist the same none.
Ordered that Council adjourn until Monday next at 7 o'clock PM
Approved Thomas T Minor mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk.
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