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242 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDING OF THE Aug 5 1887 In favor of the same; J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, Robert Moran, U R Niesz, R Russell and C F Reitze. Bills Allowed Thefollowing claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by theCounicl are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the Several Funds as follows viz: Name No fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2425 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk W R Forrest 2425 City 8.40 Registrar's Fees F H Peterson 2426 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2427 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2428 City 89.25 Salary Street Commr James Bogart 2429 City 60.00 Salary Jailor & Janitor James Bogart 2429 City 49.20 Board of Prisoners Dr E S Smith 2430 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer Wm Murphy 2431 City 100.00 Salary Chief Police Jas Welch 2432 City 80.00 Salary Capt Police J W Hunt 2433 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2434 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer A H Manning 2435 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 2436 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J D Duncan 2437 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson 2438 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McDaniel 2439 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2440 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Fred Voight 2441 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Jas Miles 2442 City 65.00 Salary Special Police Officer M A Murphy 2443 City 65.00 Salary Specail Police Officer W H Pumphrey 2444 City 70.95 Stationary Press Pub Co 2445 City 1.70 Printing Notices Press Pub Co 2445 City 21.15 City Printing Press Pub Co 2445 City 41.42 Registration list H M Wright 2446 City 2.25 Stone Monument [total]1659.32

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


243 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 Name No Fund Amount Remarks 1639.32 Hall & Galloway 2447 City 5.20 Milk Furnished Angeline Robt Russell 2448 City 33.00 Cash paid Amanda Companies B & C 2449 City 10.00 Rent of Armories Election Lyman Wood 2450 City 1.10 Recording Deed Hasbrook & Terry 2451 City 8.25 Medicine for Angeline L Newman 2452 City .75 1 Box Cartridges M A Kelly 2453 City 15.25 Medicine for Prisoners Young Bros 2454 City 8.63 Repairing Closet in Jail Sunset Tel Co 2455 City 5.90 Telephone Services R L Polk & Co 2456 City 3.50 1 directory for City Clerk Albro Gardner 2457 City 3.50 Surveying Republican & Natchez Albro Gardner 2457 City 38.48 Surveying South Third St [total]1772.88 Daniel Moon 1666 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Thos Rock 1667 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1668 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1669 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1670 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1671 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1672 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets William Krouse 1673 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets William Morris 1674 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Leamy 1675 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Ben Anderson 1676 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1677 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Ira Carpenter 1678 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets John Valine 1679 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets M J Hill 1680 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Anthony Anderson 1681 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets P Delaney 1682 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Harrington & Smith 1683 Road .50 Block & Tackle Schwabacher Bros & Co1684 Road 32.30 Block & Tackle R H Calligan 1685 Road 7.00 Use of Wagon 14 days Jones & Hubbell 1686 Road 100.85 Horse Feed Stetson & Post 1687 Road 142.11 Lumber J A McBeath & Co 1688 Road 12.55 Horse Shoeing City Livery Stables 1689 Road 10.00 Doctoring Horse

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


244 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 Name No Fund Amount Remarks Chas McDonald 1690 Road 12.50 Sharpening Tools M McTeigh 1691 Road 13.60 Harness Repairs Seattle Gas Light Co 180 Gas 12.80 Street Lighting Seattle Electric Light Co 181 Gas 208.80 Street Lighting W A Perry 1076 Fire 75.00 Engineer No 1 A Cutler 1077 Fire 75.00 Engineer No 1 James Dunham 1078 Fire 5.00 Reeling & Washing Hose John Stearns 1079 Fire 3.00 Reeling & Washing Hose F M Williard 1080 Fire 3.00 Reeling & Washing Hose John Sullivan 1081 Fire 5.00 Reeling & Washing Hose Wahington Iron Works 1082 Fire 10.60 Repairs W H Clark 1083 Fire 2.00 Reeling & Washing Hose [W H Clark]] 1083 Fire 3.00 Reeling & Washing Hose Sunset Tel Co 1084 Fire 13.50 Telephone Fire Service E C McClanahan 1085 Fire 5.00 Hauling Hook & L to fire W H Connors 1086 Fire 1.00 Hauling Engine F M Williard 1087 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Spring Hill Water Co 54 Water 330.50 Water for July 87 W R Forrest Purchasing Agt 1443 Plank Grant St 804.00 Interest & Com. J Furth Assigner 1444 7th St Ord #829 2637.58 Grade Estimate Albro Gardner 1445 7th St Ord #829 92.87 Engrg 7th St Ord #829 O'Day & Anderson 1446 West St Ord # 843 750.75 Contract Estimate Earthwork O'Day & Anderson 1447 West St Ord # 843 20.40 Contract Estimate Sidewalks Albro Gardner 1448 West St Ord # 843 65.74 Engrg West St Albro Gardner 1449 4th St Ord # 836 95.48 Engrg 4th St White Quigley & Gage 1450 4th St Ord # 836 988.84 Estimate 4th St Albro Gardner 1451 Mill & 7th Ord # 848 85.12 Engrg Mill St Albro Gardner 1452 Mill & 7th Ord # 848 34.74 Engrg South Third Bill of Albro Gardner for $169.87 for Surveying Madison Street Extension is referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


245 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 5 1887 Seventh Street & West Street Ass't Rolls Pursuant to law and published notices the Council now proceeds to examine and equalize the special assessment Rolls for the Assessment Districts established by Odinance No 843 for the grading of West Street from Cedar Street to Virginia Street and to build sidewalks thereon. and by Ordinance No 848 for the grading of Seventh Street from Madison Street to Mill Street & Building sidewalks thereon, and no one appearing to contest either of said assessment rolls and no objection being made to them or either of them. On motion it is ordered that said assessment Rolls be and the same are hereby approved. Councilman Reitze moves to instruct the Clerk to advertise for bids for lighting street for the ensuing year. Referred to Committee on Street lights. His Honor the Mayor having stated to the Council he will be absent from the City for some weeks, on motion fo CouncilmannJ M Frink, Councilman Furth is elected Acting Mayor during the absence of the Mayor by unanimous vote of the Council. On motion the Council now proceeds to open and examine bids for the Improvement of Seventh St from Madison St to Mill Street; of Mill Street from a point between South 4th & South 5th Streets to Williamson Street and of Madison Street Extension as follows viz: Seventh Street Bid of Finch & Henderson Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.85 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.85 Bid of P Quigley Earthwork pr Cubic Yard 45 cents

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


246 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $16.00 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00 Bid of Wilson & Godfrey Earthwork per Cubic Yard 38cents Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00 Bids for Madison Street Imp Ord 829 Bid of Wm Tierney To do the Same for the sum of $11,550.00 Bid of Wilson & Godfrey To do the Same for the sum of $14,965.00 Bid of O'Day & Anderson To do the Same for the sum of $17,900.00 Bid of W N White To do the Same for the sum of $13,950.00 Bids for Mill Street Imp. Bid of D A Hill & Co Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $15.15 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Bid of Wilson & Godfrey Earthwork per Cubic Yard 40cents Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $17.00 Grubbing and Clearing per acre $100.00 Bid of Wm Tierney Earthwork per Cubic Yard 34&1/2cents Sidewalks per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $18.00 Box Drains per M[thousand] B M[thousand] $18.00 Grubbing and Clearing per acre $30.00 Whereupon after examination and comparison of said bids on motion of Councilman Reitze the contract for grading & Improving Seventh Street from Madison to Mill St is awarded to Wilson & Godfrey upon their filing a bond in the sum of $3000.00

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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