Aug 10 1887
Ordered that James Dougan be reduced on personal
property from $1286 to $389. account mortgages wrong-
fully assessed.
Ordered that Lots 10, 11 & 12 Block 12 Geo Kinnear's addn
be assessed to Lucy Kinkead Lyon and stricken form
Geo Kinnear's assessment.
Ordered that James M Colman be reduced on
Block L Terry's 3rd Addn from $126,000 to $104,000.00
Also reduced on Improvements on Lots q, 2, 3 & 4 Blk
28 Boren's from $6500 to $5000.
Ordered that C H Hanford be reduced on personal pro-
perty from $7300 to $1450. account mortgages wrongfully
assessed; and that he be assessed $200 on a mortgage
assessby error to F E Sander who has been credited therefor.
Ordered that Lots 6 & 7 Block 13 Union addition be
assessed to C H Hanford and the same stricken from
Malern McDonald's list; and that the West 24 feet
of Lot 12 Block 3 Heirs Sarah A Bell's 3rd addn be assessed
to C H Hanford, trustee and the same stricken
from John Glen's assessment.
Ordered that A PHoteling & Co be reduced on personal
property $817 account mortgage wrongfully assessed.
Ordered that B F Briggs be reduced on personal property
6585 account mortgages wrongfully assessed; and that
the double assessment of Lots 1 & 4 Block 50 Terry's 1st
addn be corrected.
Ordered that Eleven twentieths of Lot 4 Block B A A Denny's
1st addn be assessed to Richd Holyoke at a valuation of
$2065 the same having been omitted by the assessor.
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