Aug 15 1887
Ordered that T H Hacket be reduced on personal
property $385 same being County Scrip
the City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An
Ordinance authorizing and Empowering the Mayor
and Clerk to execute an contract for the purchase
of a Hook and Ladder Truck'' which is passed
by the following vote, viz: In favor of the same
Frink, Green, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze,
Against the same, none.
Ordered that Council Adjourn until Wednesday
August 17th 1887 at 7:30 o'clock PM
Approved J Furth acting mayor
Attest [W R Forrest]] clerk
Aug 17 1887
Be it remembered that the CommonCouncil of the City of
Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to
adjournment on this 17th day of August A D 1887.
The following officers are present to wit: Acting
Mayor J Furth and Councilmen Frink, Green, Moran, Neisz,
Russell & Reitze, and W R Forrest Clerk.
The council proceeds with the revision and equa-
lization of the Assessment Roll of the year 1887.
Ordered that Alfred Snyder be reduced on personal
property from $5600 to $3500.
Ordered that Mary P T Snyder be reduced $1000 on
personal property.
Ordered that Emily J Carkeek be reduced on Improve-
ments $3000.
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