Aug 26 1887
On motion of Councilman Frink the Ordinance granting
a franchise to the Seattle Cable Road & Water Co is
taken from the table and read. and returned to the
parties interested to be acted on at the next regular
meeting. Committee Reports Rec'd Bill allowed
From Committee on License & Revenue on petition of August
Wolff for the return of certain license money recom-
mending that the sum of $71.50 be returned. Adopted.
and warrant ordered drawn.
Bids Received.
In answer to calls for bids duly published bids
are received and opened and contracts awarded as
follows. For Lighting Public Buildings and Streets Bids are
received from the Seattle Gas and Electric Co and
from the Seattle Electric Light Co. Also from same
parties for furnishing lamp posts and from Moran
Bros for furnishing lamp posts.
Said bids are referred to the committee on Street
Lights and after due examination by the Committee
for Lighting Public Buildings and the Street Lamps, 79 Lamps that
were formerly used for gas be awarded to the Seattle
Gas & Electric Co]] and that the contract for
lighting the remainder of the street lighs be awarded to
the Seattle Electric Light Co and that the contract for
lighting the remainder of the street lights be awarded to
the Seattle Electirc Light Co Report adopted and on
motion it is ordered that fifty (50) of the lights furnished
by the latter Company be of 32 candle power and the
rest of 16 candle power incandescent lights and the City
Attorney orderd to draw the necessary contracts.
On motion the bids for lamp posts are laid over
until the next regular meeting.
The Following bids for supplying the City with
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