Sep 2 1887
Contractor to remove them.
Communication from Justice H F Jones suggesting
change of plan in keeping record of arrests and
commitments; read and referred to Com on Health & Police.
Communicaton from Justice H F Jones in regard to
witness fees paid Police Officers, stating that he
has paid such fees to the Police Officers as he con-
siders the ordinance requiring them to be paid to
the city instead.
Communication from Mrs E S Ingraham asking for
the return of certain moneys paid the City for tax
cetificates, read and referred to City Attorney.
Communication from the Street Commissioner calling the
attention of the Council to sidewalks that should be
condemned, read and referred to the Street Committee.
Communication from W K Davis in behalf of owners
of property condemned on Republican & Natches Streets
(Ordinances 858 & 859) stating that they had appointed
M R Galloway to act in their behalf as appraiser,
read and ordered filed.
Petitionof J W Edwards & others to open Filbert St
read and granted.
Resignation of Patrick Farraher from Police force
read and on motion accepted.
Communication from James McDonald complaining of
treatment in City Jail, read and on motion re-
ferred to Committee on Health and Police.
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