Sep 2 1887
Monthy Reports Received
From City Attorney read and Ordered filed.
From Chief of Police read and Ordered filed.
From Police Justice Jones Referred to Financial Committee
From City Treasurer Referred to Financial Committee
From City Jailor Referred to Financaial Committee
From Street Commissioner Referred to Street Committee
returned approved.
From Chief of the fire Department, read and referrred to
Committee on Fire & Water.
Licenses Ordered Issued
Ole Nelson Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 20th 1887
Davis & Davis Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 23rd 1887
The vote upon granting said licenses is as follows:
In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran
Neisz & Russell against none.
Applications of Licenses Referred
E C Slorah & Co & Cole & Pratt
Committee Reports Received
From Com on Health & Police recommending for the
better equipment and strength of the force as follows:
1st That hand-cuffs, club & nippers be furnished to each
police officer & charged to him and upon his
retirement from the force to be redeemed by the City;
2nd That the Purchasing agent be instructed to
purchase a book to be used in the Police head-
quarters as a record book, and that a list of all
property stolen be recorded therein.
3rd That we find the present force inadequate for
the preservation of life and property and recommend
that three additional men be put on the force.
4th We also recommend that a system of telephonic
communictaion with Police headquarters be adopted as
soon as practicable.
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