Sep 6 1887
Seattle W T September 6th 1887
Councilmet on this day in its Council Cham-
ber pursuant to adjournment. the following officers
are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor Thos T Minor
and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, R Moran,
U R Niesz, R Russell & C F Reitze and W R Forrest clerk
The following proceedings are had to wit:
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Seattle Cable
Road and Water Company, its successors or assigns
to construct, operate and maintain a street rail
road in the City of Seattle".
On motion Councilman Reitze the ordinance is
read section by section. After consideration and
discussion of said ordinance on motion of
Councilman Furth's final action on the Same is
postponed until the next regular meeting of
the council.
Ordered that the Council do now adjourn until
Thursday Sept 15th 1887 at 7:30 o'clock PM
Approved Thomas T Minor mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk
Sep 15 1887
Be it remembered that on this 15th day of September
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in
its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The
following officers are present to wit: Mayor Thos T
Minor and Councilmen [J Furth]], J M Frink, Joseph Green,
T W Lake, R Moran, U R Niesz, R Russell & C F Reitze
& W R Forrest clerk. The following proceedings are
had to wit:
Tax Levy 1887
On motion the Tax Levy for the year 1887 is fixed
as follows:
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