296 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 15 1887 that the Chief of the Fire Department and the Chairman of the Fire & Water Committee grant permission upon investigation Ordered that the Council do now Adjourn Approved Thomas T Minor mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Sep 16 1887 Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber this 16th day of September 1887 pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: Mayor T T Minor and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green,T W Lake, R Moran, U R Niesz, R Russell & C F Reitze and W R Forrest clerk. The following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions & Communications Petition of H L Yesler for permission to move frame building on North side of Mill Street occupied by the Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Company from its present location back on Post Street. Granted. Petition of H L Yesler for permission to use a portionmof Mill Street for deposit of building material read and granted. Petition of H L Yesler for repair of a portion of Mill Street read & referred to Street Committee. Petition of Wm Lurkins for opening Prince Street on Lake Washington read & referred to Street Com. Petition of Aug Bittner for the opening of Madison Street read and referred to Street Committee.
297 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 16 1887 Petition of Jacob Bursch for permisson to transfer his liquor license from the South side of Mill Street to the East side of Commercial Street. Granted Petition of A H Manning & others for Street Lights on 2nd 3rd 4th & Bell Streets read & referrd to Street Light Com. Petition of G G Richards & others for Street Lights on 8th Street from Pine Street read and referred to the Street Light Committee. Petition of E C Kilbourne & others for Street Lights on Battery Street from Front Street. Granted. Petition of N A James & others for opening Roy & other streets read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of J V Scurry & other for establishing the grade of Mikado Street from the West line of South Eighth Street to the West Line of South Twelfth Street read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of J R Beau and others for opening 3rd Street from Lake Street to Mary Street etc read and referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of F H Osgood & others for opening Valley Street from Temperance Street to Kentucky Street. Granted. Petition of Maurice O'Connor for damages in the sum of $500. caused by the extension of Grant Street across Lot 6 Block 4 Judkin's Addition referred to Judiciary Com. Communication from Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad accepting conditions of Ordinance No 865 read and ordered filed.
298 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 16 1887 Petition of J B Metcalfe & others for grading and laying sidewalk on South Eleventh Street from Mill Street to Jackson Street read & Granted. Petitionof C H Kittinger Toklas & Singerman & others to convert the Cemetary known as Washelli Cemetary into a Public Park. Read and Granted and the City Attorney instructed to draw and submit the necessary ordinance. Petition of F W Wald & others for appointment of Z T Holden a policeman, read & referred to the Committee on Health & Police. Committee Retportsetc. Report of Justice N Soderberg for month of Aug. referred to Finance Committee. Report of City Clerk submitting Alphabetical list of names of All Streets in the City Referred to Street Committee. Committe Reports Recd From Finance committee on report of City Justice H F Jones & Jailor's reports as follows "we beg to report the additions on the reports are correct. In this connection we wish to state that in future your committee will be in a position to examine the reports and compare them with the police records properly, noting the time all arrests are made as well as the time when prisoners are discharged", adopted. From Street Committee granting the petition of F W Wald & others for opening the alley in Block 30 Maynard's Plat so as to make it passable for teams. Adopted.
299 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 16 1887 From same Committee granting petition of John Wickland & Others for a box drain Corner Sixth and Pine Streets Adopted. From Same Committee on Communication of Street Commissioner in regard to defective sidewalks as follows: "We recommend that the following portions of sidewalks be condemned and new sidewalks ordered built: On the North side of Cherry Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets; On north side of Marion Street between Fourth & Fifth Streets; & on West side of Front Street between Pike and Union Streets From Committee on Fire &Water on report of Chief of the Fire Department, recommending that the city appropriate $250. for the purpose of sending a hose team to the Spokane Fireman's Tournament. Adopted. From City Attorney recommending that a quit claim deed be given by the City to Charle Hart for Lot 4 Block 20 in Bell & Denny's Plat, Also that the claim of G W Crane for $50.96 account 'tax certificates issued on double assessments be paid. Also that Myra C Ingraham's claim of $38.61 for same cause be paid. Adopted. From City Attorney on Communication of Justice H F Jones in regard to officer's fees. Ordered filed and Councilman Furth gives notice that at the next meeting of the Council he will move to increase the salaries of Police Officers. New Plats Plat of Madison Street Addition to the City of Seattle and James Addition to the City of Seattle referred to City Surveyor.
300 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 16 1887 Applications for Licenses Referred Alex Meister and Duffy & Begley Licenses Ordered Issued E C Slorah & Co Retail Intox 6 months from Sept 3rd. Cole & Pratt Retail Intox 6 months from Sept 3rd. The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: to wit: Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell & Reitze Nays none. Miscellaneous Ordered that -Fouts be permitted to erect a Fruit Stand on Corner of James & Front Street Provided the chairman of the Street Committee after examination approved of the same. Ordered that J W George be permitted to put in a wooden sewer along South Third St from Main St to the Bay. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An [ordinance] to establish the Grade of Pike Street" which is passed by the following vote In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell & Reitze Against none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Seattle Cable road and Water Company it successors or assigns, to construct, operate and maintain a street Reailroad in the City of Seattle" which after due consideration by theCouncil is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz]], Russell and Reitze Against the same none. Police Officers Elected The council now proceeds to elect four Police officers and the following named persons are duly elected as such viz: D R Hunton, D H Webster, W H Lord and H A Bigelow.