313 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 21 1887 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of October 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: Mayor Thos T Minor and Councilmen J.M.Frink, Joseph Green, T W. Lake, U.R.Niesz, R Russell & C.F.Reitze and W R Forrest Clerk Petitions & Communications Petition of Stetson & Post Mill Co & others praying that the Puget Sound Shore Line Road or Oregon Improvement Co, be not permitted to store oil in large quantities in the building formerly occupied John E Good on Commercial Street, read and referred to committee on Fire & Water with power to act Communication from G.W.Kimball asking that he be per- mitted to peddle pants buttons without a license, rejected. Communication from J J McGilvra in regard to keeping Madison Street open for travel read and motion of C F Reitze to keep said street open is lost. On motion of T.W.Lake, [?] contractor Mr Wm Tierney is allowed $100.00 for labor already done in keeping said Street open. Petition of G.Bureau and others for modification of Seventh St. grade, read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of W L Ames and others for opening Sixth Street from Battery to Depot Street, and Vine Street from Fifth to Depot Street, read and referred to Street Committee. Communication from D E Durie et. al. recommending Saml A Hoyt. for the position of Harbor Master, read and referred to committee on Harbour and Wharves. Communication from E.C.McClannahan asking damages
314 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 21 1887 in the sum of $17.50 account of injuries to horse caused by breaking through planking on Jackson St read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of J.H.Paine and others for opening Harmon Street from the Bay through to its intersection with Box Street read and referred to Street Committee Communication from the Geo. Kinnear offering to donate Block 26. Geo. Kinnears addition for a public park with certain conditions, accepted and Street Committee directed to put a force work Same. Petition of F.E.Sander for permission to use a portion of 5th Street. for building material, Granted Committe reports rec'd From Street Committee on petition of J.R.Beam et al for opening Third Street, Mary St, and other Streets, recommending that the petition lay over for the present to be taken up at the first opportunity, as the Committee has more work on hand than can be completed for some time. Adopted From same committee on the petition of N.A.James et al for the opening of Roy St from Temperance to Light Streets etc recommending that the opening of Roy, Light, and Bluff Street s as far as Leary St., as the committee deem there us no necessity for opening any father at present. Adopted From same committee rejecting petition of F G Strange and others for opening Williamson St from Mill to Madison Strs. as a portion of the street runs through emplatted ground and there is no great necessity for opening said St. st present. Adopted.
315 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 21 1887 From same committee rejecting petition of Emil Heinig for permission to put up a building in the alley between 2nd and 3rd Streets fronting Mill Street. Adopted From same commitee granting petition of King County Investment Company for opening 12 st from Columbia to Madison Street and recommending that the owners of the block between 11th and 12th Streets on Madison St. be permitted to build a Standard sidewalk the same to be accepted by the Street Committee when completed and obviate the expanse of establishing an assessment district. AdoptedFrom same committee rejecting petition of Guy C. Phinney for permission to put dirt from the lot in N.E. corner of Front and Seneca Sts. under the Bridge spanning Seneca St. Adopted. From same committee granting petition of D.C. Munrow for permission to raise sidwalk to the grade in front of their building on S.W. Corner of Blanchard and Front Sts., provided the work is done a good and substantial manner, to be accepted by Street commissioner. Adopted From same committee on the Mayor's message and petition of H. Butler and others as follows: We look upon that part of the message referring to establishing an Avenue 100 feet wide along Lake Union and Lake Washington in the same light as His Honor, and consider such an avenue a great and important improvement to the City, and recommend that steps be taken by the Council toward such improvement. Adopted From same committee recommending that the
316 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 21 1887 following sidewalks be condemned and new ones ordered built. First; On the East side of Commercial St. commencing 30 ft: N. of Ch N. Line of Jackson St thence N. 222 ft: thence east on S. side of Main St: 130 ft. Second; On N. side of Main St commencing 120 ft W of the W. side of commercial thence E. 132 ft. thence N 107 ft. on W. side of commercial St. That the Chief of police notify owners of property to rebuild said walks_ Adopted_ From same committee on petition of H L Yesler for the repair of Mill St - see report - adopted. From Committee on Fire and Water recommending that a Fire Plug be placed at convenient distance from the Hospital and 6th Street School House. Adopted. From same committee granting petition of Saml Kenney for permission to extend his shop in rear of his store on Commercial Street. Adopted. From Street Light Committee recommending that 6 candle power lights be placed at each cross street along 9th St between Mill and Jackson Streets also So 12th, also at corner of 8th and Jackson Streets; also on s 12th, also at corner of 8th and Jefferson sts, also on So 12th St at the corner of Mill, Washington, Main and Jackson Streets; also 32 candle power light on rail road corner between Mill and Columbia. Adopted. From Committee on Sewers and drainage recommending that a sewer be constructed on Columbia Street from Front Street to 12th St Adopted. And Purchasing Agent directed to purchase the necessary material for said sewer from Front to [12th St]]
317 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 21 1887 On motion the Chief of the Fire Department is instructed to place the building on the lots recently purchased by the City on Third St, in proper conditionfor use by Hose Company No 1, and the chairman of the Committee on public buildings and grounds to supervise said repairs. On motion of councilman Reitze it is ordered that the City Hall be enlarged to the full extent of the lot so as to make room for the accomodation of the new Hook & Ladder truck and additional room for the City Clerk, the enlargement of the council chamber and if possible the enlargement of the Jail accommodations and that W E Boone architect be employed to prepair plans and specification for the same. On motion of Councilman Reitze itisordered that the City Surveyor prepare a plat of the Avenue mentioned in the Mayor's message amended so that the Avenue be 90 ft wide from the corner of 6th and Pike Sts to Lake Union and 150 ft wide the remainder of the distance. And that the plat be extended to an intersection with the White River Road. On motion of Councilman Frink ordered that the Purchasing agt directed to purchase a Field & Warring Automatic flushing tank syphon and the same be placed on Main St by Street Commissioner. Ordered that a bridge 16 feet wide be built on Jefferson St between 4th and 5th Streets. Licenses Ordered & Issued Henry Thompson and Oliver Bernard ordered issued by full vote.