Oct 21 1887
On motion the Chief of the Fire Department is instruct-
ed to place the building on the lots recently purchased
by the City on Third St, in proper conditionfor use
by Hose Company No 1, and the chairman of the
Committee on public buildings and grounds to supervise
said repairs.
On motion of councilman Reitze it is ordered that the
City Hall be enlarged to the full extent of the lot so
as to make room for the accomodation of the
new Hook & Ladder truck and additional room for the
City Clerk, the enlargement of the council chamber
and if possible the enlargement of the Jail accommo-
dations and that W E Boone architect be employed to
prepair plans and specification for the same.
On motion of Councilman Reitze itisordered that the
City Surveyor prepare a plat of the Avenue mentioned
in the Mayor's message amended so that the Avenue be
90 ft wide from the corner of 6th and Pike Sts to
Lake Union and 150 ft wide the remainder of the dis-
tance. And that the plat be extended to an intersec-
tion with the White River Road.
On motion of Councilman Frink ordered that the Pur-
chasing agt directed to purchase a Field & Warring
Automatic flushing tank syphon and the same be plac-
ed on Main St by Street Commissioner.
Ordered that a bridge 16 feet wide be built on
Jefferson St between 4th and 5th Streets.
Licenses Ordered & Issued
Henry Thompson and Oliver Bernard
ordered issued by full vote.
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