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William Tierney 1505 Mill St Ord 847 517.50 Estimate of work
Albro Gardner 1506 Mill St Ord 847 57.88 Engineer's fees
Wilson& Godfrey 1501 7th St Ord 848 1029.00 Engineer's fees
Albro Gardner 1502 7th St Ord 848 30.75 Engineer's fees
On motion the Seattle Construction Company is granted
an extension of forty days (40) time for the commen-
cing of the construction fo the Mill St Cable Road
Ordered that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids
for putting up an addition to the City Hall for
the purpose of housing the new Hook and Ladder truck.
Ordered that the contract with Wm Tierney for the
grading of Madison Street not having been completed
will be and the same hereby is declared forfeited and
the Clerk is directed to advertise for bids to complete
said Street and the City Attorney directed to notify the
bondsman of the action of the Council.
Ordered that a tax of one hundred forty four (144)
mills on each and every dollar of the assessed valua-
tion of all the property owners within the assess-
ment created by ordinance No 843 be and the same
is hereby levied on said property for the purpose
of paying for the grading and sidewalking of
said district according to said ordinance No 843.
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance proscribing a system for
numbering buildings in the City of Seattle, and for
the removal of incorrect numbers thereon and the
placing of correct numbers on same."

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