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An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An ordinance amending Sec 5 of ordinance
No 253 fixing the ratio to be charged by the
Spring Hill Water Co for supplying water" which is
passed by the following vote ayes Furth, Green, Lake Moran Niesz
Reitze against none.
An ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk
entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money
to pay audited bills" passed by full vote.
Ordered that the Council do adjourn until
Friday next - Dec 9th 1887 at seven (7) o'clock P.M.
Attest Clerk
Approved Thomas Minor Mayor
Dec 9 1837
Be it remembered that on the 9th day of Dec. 1887
the common council of the City of Seattle met
persuant to adjournment. Present Mayor
T T Minor, Councilmen Furth, Green, Lake, Moran
Neisz Russell & Reitze & W.R. Forrest Clerk
Petitions etc.
Petition of A. Mackintosh and others for a sewer on
University Street read and referred to Sewer Com.
Petition of Ernest Romey for the building of a
sidewalk on Mill Street between 4th and 5th
Streets read and referred to Street com.
Petition of J. R. Wright for permission to put up
an awning in front of his cigar store No. 222
Commercial St
. read and granted.
Petition of Guy C. Phinney for a sidewalk on

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