Jan 6 1888
Monthly Reports Rec'd
From the Mayor; read and ordered filed and the action
of the Mayor in regard to smallpox cases approved.
From City Attorney for month of December read &
ordered filed.
From Police Justices Jones & Soderberg referred to the
Finance Committee.
From Chief of Police read and ordered filed.
From Health Officer read and ordered filed.
From Custodian of the Powder House read and ordered filed.
From City Treasurer read & referred to Finance om.
From Health Officer read and ordered filed.
From Street Commissioner referred to Street Committee
and returned approved.
From Chief of the Fire Department read & referred
to Committee on Fire & Water with power to act.
Committee Reports Rec'd
From Judiciary Committee rejecting petition of
laborers on Madison Street extension as there is no
legal manner in which an appropriation to pay
the wages asked for can be made by the City.
from Same Committee in the matter of dedicating
a portionof Mill Street by H L Yesler recom-
mending that the said street be accepted by the
City provided the City Attorney reports favorable
on the deed dedicating same. Adopted and the
deed is referred to the City Attorney for examination.
From same Committee in the matter of Claim
for injuries sustained by one Julia A Fenton by
a fall on sidewalk at or near the Occidental
Hotel as folows: We beg to report that while the
Committee was examining in the matter, and
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