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Jan 11 1888
Ordered that Timothy Ryan be granted permission to
blast at Corner of Madison & Sixth Streets for a
period of ten (10) days said Ryan to the personally
responsible for any damages that may occur
by reason of such blasting.
Committtee Reports Rec'd
From Street Committee & Judiciary Committee
to whom was referred the surveyor's final estimate
on the North end of Seventh Street report that
they have remeasured the lumber used on said street
street with the following result. Quantity used as
estimated by City Surveyor 321,296 feet. Quantity as
estimated by your Committee 322,871 or a difference
of 1575 ft. in favor of the Contractor Mr. Wilson.
On motion the matter of Madison Street grade at
north end said street is re-referred to the Street
& Judiciary Comittees with power to employ other
surveyors and to take evidence if considered necessary.
Ordered that the Council do now adjourn.
Attest W R Forrest Clerk
Approved Thomas T Minor Mayor
Jan 20 1888
Be it remembered that on this 20th day of January
AD 1888, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets
in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The
following offices are present, to wit: His Honor
the Mayor Thomas T Minor & Councilment J. Furth,
J. M. Frink, Joseph Green, T. W. Lake, U R Niesz, R Russell
C J Reitze & W R Forrest Clerk.
Whereupon the following proceedings are had, to wit:
Petitions etc
Petition of H H Dearborn & Co &others for extending

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