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is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance
vacating the Alley in Block "Q" in Bell's Sixth Addition
to the City of Seattle
which is passed by the following
vote: In favor of the same, Frink, Green, Lake, Niesz, Rus-
and Reitze. Against the same, none.
Ordered that the Council do now adjourn.
Attest W R Forrest Clerk
Approved Acting Mayor
Feb 3 1888
Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of February AD
1888 the Common Council of the city of Seattle meets in its
council chamber pursuant to law. The following offices are
present to wit: Mayor Thos. T. Minor & Councilmen J. Furth, J. M.
, Jos Green T. W. Lake, R Moran, U. R. Niesz, R Russell &
C. F. Reitze & W R Forrest, clerk. Whereupon the following
proceedings are had, to wit:
Petitions etc
Petition of Geo. G. Lyon & others for opening High Street
from Temperance to Banner Street a distance on[e] Block
Banner Street from High Street to Allee Street a distance
of one half a block and Alle street from Banner Street
to Light Street a distance of one block. Read & referred to
Street Committee.
Petition of W F Epler, Sarah E Epler for remission and cor-
-rection of certain taxes caused by clerical error. Granted.
Petition of Henry Peterson to have nuisance caused by water
running from Seventh Street drains across petitioners lot.
abated, read and referred to Street Committee.
Petition of John E. Carlson for permission to erect a
small building on the vacant street corner of Spring
& Front Street
for a fruit & tobacco stand. Referred to Street Com.

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