Feb 3 1888
From the City Jailor referred to the Finance Committee
From the Street Commissioner tothe Street Committee and
returned approved and ordered filed.
From Acting Health Officer J. S. M. Smart read & ordered filed.
Licenses Referred
Conrad Brehm & Jus D Morgan.
Licenses Ordered Issued
Wm B Drown Liquor License for 6 months.
The vote upon issuing said license is as follows: in favor
of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz, Russell
and Reitze. Against none.
Ordered that the lot in Belltown on which the Engine
house is situated be leased for a term of one year at a
monthly rental of six (6) dollars.
Ordered that the Chairman of the Street Committee be directed
to hang the fire alarm bell of Belltown & bring in his bill
Ordered that the Purchasing Agt be directed to advertise for
bids for the construction of an office for the Harbor
Master at the foot of Washington Street and that the
Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds be authorized to
award the contract for said building.
Ordered that the purchasing agent be instructed to purchase
one thousand (1000) feet of hose for the Fire Department.
Ordered that the proposition of T. D. Hinckley to share with
the City the expense of putting an iron stone sewer in
the alley in the block on which Engine House No 1 stands
be accepted.
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