


Status: Indexed

Feb 8 1888
Lowman & Hanford 2762 City 21.00 Printing Blanks etc
Harrington & Smith 2763 City 6.50 Soap Brushes etc
H Argens 2764 City 2.45 key & Padlock & Work
H Argens 2764 City 2.25 3 Jail Keys
Sunset Telephone Co 2765 City 6.00 Telephone Service Feby
Young Bros 2766 City 2.00 Galv Iron under Jail Stove
Young Bros 2766 City 3.25 Repairs at jail & City Hall
Jno Langston 2767 City 2.00 Hack Hire
Minor & Dawson 2768 City 5.00 Attendance on Peter McIntyre
Lake Union Fur Co 2769 City 19.50 Straw Beds for Jail
John Lick 2770 City 350.00 New [?] on City Hall
L Neuman 2771 City .85 Sharpening Saaw etc
Gallagher & Grunkranz 2772 City 1.25 Can Coal Oil for Pest House
Kline & Rosenberg 2773 City 4.50 Rubber Coat for Pest House
Seattle Transfer Co 2774 City 5.00 Conveying Small Pox Patient
J Caldwell 2775 City 15.40 Witness for Jones Court
F Bogen 2776 City 4.40 Witness for Jones Court
F Shawe 2777 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court
Jos Trimble 2778 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court
Geo Parks 2779 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court
Geo F Raymond 2780 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court
W H Frink 2781 City 2.20 Witness for Jones Court
H F Jones 2782 City 84.20 Justice Fees
N Soderberg 2783 City 57.05 Justice Fees
L M Lombon 2784 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court
Mrs Mary Thorndyke 2785 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court
Mrs Mary Court 2786 City 2.20 Witness for Soderberg Court
Wm Murphy 2787 City 8.50 Cash Paid out
Saul A Hoyt 2788 City 62.50 Salary Harbor Master
O W Lynch & Co 2789 City 16.00 Mattresses & Pillows
Northwest Fruit Co 2790 City 19.30 Fruit for Pest House
Hamilton & McGrew 2791 City 17.20 Milk for Pest House
Haley & Wright 2792 City 83.98 Provisions for Pest House
Oregon Impt Co 2793 City 6.85 Coal
W H Pumphrey 2794 City 40.30 Stationary
Black Diamond Coal Co 2795 City 41.11 Coal

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