Feb 17 1888
From same Committee rejecting petition of Jno E
Carlson for permission to construct a small build-
ing to be used as a fruit stand at the south
west corner of Front & Spring Streets. Adopted.
From the Committee of Fire & Water as follows:
"Your Committee to whom was referred the report of the"
"Chief of the Fire Department was referred the report of the"
"amendments and changes to the existing Ordinances Cre-"
"ating the Fire Department of this City beg to report"
"that we have given the matter our careful attention"
"have received & considered a number of remonstran-
"ces from different companies comprising the de-"
"partment who object to the changes proposed and"
"believing that it is the wish of the majority of"
"the members of the Department and to the best in-"
"trests of the city; we recommend that the pur-"
"chasing agent with the advice of the Chief of the Fire
Department procure suitable badges for the Depart-
"ment as recommended in the Chief's Report"
"R Moran chairman"
"R Russell"
"J Green"
From the City Atty on claim of Wm B Drown for bed-
ding etc destroyed account small pox. Referred with
claim to the Committee on Health & Police for investigation.
From the City Atty on claim of Providence Hospital, re-
ferred with bill to Fianance Committee.
Cable Road
Councilman Furth presents the following resolu-
tion and moves its adoptionto wit:-
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