Apr 11 1888
and established by Ordinance No. 905. for the grading
of Fifth Street from Depot St to to Union Street and building side-
walks on both sides thereof: On motion it is
ordered that the Clerk notify the following named
persons to be and appear before the Common Council
on Friday April 20th 1888 at 7.30 o'clock P.M. to
show cause if any there be why the valuation
of their property as appears on said Assessment
Roll should not be raised as follows:
Bailey Gatzert raised on Lots 6 & 7 Block 10 A. A.
Dennys Third Addition from $500 each to $660 each.
P H Lewis raised on Frac. lots 1 & 2 & lot 3 of His of
S A Bells Addition from $100 to $660.00.
John Nelson raised on lot 8 Block 18 A A Dennys
Third Addition from $500. to [$660.00?].
Ordered that a tax of forty six and one half (46 1/2)
mills on each and every dollar of the assessed
valuation of all the property included within the
Assessment District created by Ordinance No 887
be and the same is hereby levied on said property
for the improvement of Bell Street from
Front Street to West Street in the City of Seattle.
Ordered that the Street Committee have power to act
upon the petition of J. D. Hinckley for the opening of
Farm Street and that the Committee take immediate
steps to open said street.
Ordered that the Clerk advertise for bids for fur-
nishing the City with sewer castings from April
20th 1888 to Octo 1st 1888.
Ordered that the City Surveyor be and he directed
to obtain dedication of Depot Street sixty six (66)
feet in width between Lake Street and Broadway
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