Apr 20 1888
Sewer Castings
Bids for furnishing the City with Sewer Castings from Apl.
20th until October 1st 1888 were opened and read as follows:
Washington Iron Works 5&1/4 cents per lb
Allmond & Phillips 4 cents per lb
Moran Bros 3&9/10 cents per lb
Ordered that the contract be awarded to Moran Bros
Bell Street Improvement
Bids for grading and building sidewalks on Bell Street
from 5th Street to Seventh Street were opened and read
as follows:
Henderson & Locke
Earthwork per cubic yard 31cents
Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00
Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00
Clearing and Grubbing per acre $75.00
Green & Mount
Earthwork per cubic yard 29&1/2cents
Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $18.00
Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $18.00
Clearing and Grubbing per acre $200.00
Ryan & Benjamin
Earthwork per cubic yard 37&3/4cents
Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $15.50
Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.50
Clearing and Grubbing per acre $95.00
O'Day & Co
Earthwork per cubic yard 32cents
Sidewalks for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00
Box Drains for MBM [thousand board feet] $16.00
Grubbing and Clearing per acre $135.00
Ordered that the conract be awarded to Henderson & Locke upon
upon filing a bond in the sum of $1000.00
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