May 18 1888
granted the same to be included in the assessment district
heretofore created in Tenth Street from Broadway to Spring Street
Petition of M McDonald for permission to use the foot
of Washington Street near Commercial Street to
Commercial Street next to Esmond Saloon Granted.
Petitionof Thomas Ewing for permission to use the foot
of Washington Street for a landing place for ferry boat.
Read and referred to Committee on Harbor & Wharves.
Communication from W V Rinehart asking for the pay-
ment of certain street grade warrants. read and referred
to the City Attorney.
Remonstrance of Geo Brandt andothers against opening
alley through Block 106 D T Denny's First Addition read
and referred to Street Committee.
PetitionofC M Sheafe and others for grading Temper-
ance Avenue from Mercer Street to Lee Street read and
referred to Street Committee.
Communication from Memorial Committee G A R extending
an invitation to the mayor and Council and through
them to the people of Seattle to participate in the exer-
cise of Memorial Day read and on motion accepted.
Petition fo F Hochbrunn and others for the change of certain
Street Grades, read and referred to Street Committee.
Communication from the Boardof Fire Delegates re-
porting that Josiah Collins had been duly elected Chief
of the Fire Department at an election held pursuant to
law on Manday May 7th 1888 read and on motion
of J Furth the siad Josiah Collins is appointed chief
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