Jun 1 1888
designate such place; also asking for an addition of three
men to Police Force, read & Referred to Com on Health & Police.
Petition of H H Lewis and others for grading and laying side-
walks on West Street from Virginia Street to University Street
read and referred to Committee on Streets, with a request that a
report by made at this meeting of the Council if possible.
Petition of Carmi Dibble andothers asking that the Southern
Boundry of the City be properly marked, read and granted and
the City Surveyor directed to mark Said Boundary.
Petition of N P Eisenmeyer for permissionto erect a wharf
to connect Water Street with Harrison Street read and granted.
Petition of Seattle Safe Deposit Company and others asking
the Council to grant the petition of the Seattle Street Rail-
way Colmpnay]] for leave to extend its system onFront Street
from Mill Street to Pike Street read and referred to Street Com.
Petition of Pumphrey & Hanford and others calling the atten-
tion of the councilto the fact that much imflammable
rubbish has accumulated in alleys and back yards, and
greatly increases the fire risk, read and referred to the Committee
on Health and Police.
Official Reports
From City Attorney read and ordered filed.
From Police justices Jones & Soderberg Referred to Finance Com.
From Chief of Police read and ordered filed.
From Street Commissioner read and referred to Street
Committee and returned apporved.
From Park Commissioner Referred to Com on Public Bldgs & Grounds
From Harbor Master read and Referred to Committee on Harbor &
Wharves with powertoact.
From Chief of Fire Dept. read and referred to Com on Fire & Water
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