June 6 1888
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitles
"anOrdinance to provide for the grading of Wall Street
in the City of Seattle from Elliott's Bay to Depot Street"
which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of
the same Frink, Green, Lake, Niesz, Russell & Reitze.
Against the same none.
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk entitled
"A Special Ordinance Appropriating money to pay
Audited Bills" which is passed by the following
vote viz: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Lake,
Niesz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same none.
Ordered that the council do now adjourn
Approved T T Minor mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk
Jun 15 1888
Be it remembered that on this 15th day of June A D 1888 the
Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its
Council Chamber pursuant to law. Present Acting Mayor
Furth and Councilmen Frink, Green, Lake, Niesz, Russell & Reitze.
Absent Mayor Minor & Councilman Moran
The folowing proceedings are had to wit:
Petitions etc.
Petitionof John Ray for permission to put a pea-nut
stand corner Front and Spring Streets read and referred to the
Street Committee.
Petition of Henry Sheahan and others for grading South
Eleventh Street from Lane Street to Dearborn Street and
building sidewalks on both sides of said street, read
and on motion tabled.
Petition of A Krug & others for grading and building sidewalks
on both sides of Sixth Street from Depot Street to Battery
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