June 15 1888
Street read and referred to the Street Committee
Remonstrance of N Brown and others per-
mitting the peddling of Fifth without a license
read adn tables.
Remonstrance of Amos Brown against filling in
Spring Street read and referred to the Street Committee
Petition of D T Denny & others to lower grade at
intersection of Lake Avenue and Willow Streets
read and referred to the Street Committee
Petition of the Columbia Canning Company for
permission to use a portion of the foot of
Pike Street read and granted.
Petition of R F Allen to maintain tent on Front Street
read and rejected.
Petition of Fred Jansen and others for a sewer in
the Block bounded by South Seventh and Eighth Streets
and King and Weller Streets read and referred to the
Committee on Sewers.
Petition of J A Hatfield and others for an ordinance
empowering the Harbor Master to regulate blowing
of whistles by steam vessels and locomotives along
the wharves and water front of the City of Seattle.
Read and referred to the Committee on Harbor & Wharves
Petition of J D Springman and others for the regrading of
West Street between Virginia and Blanchard Streets, read
and referred to Street Committee in conjunction with the City Atty.
Remonstrance of H L Yesler and others against granting
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