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518 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 29 1888 amount due Ordered that the Committee on Health & Police be instructed to appoint some member of the Police force to notify parties to clean up alleys. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance etablishing the grade of Harrison Street inthe city of Seattle between Box Street and Marion Street" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Frink, Green Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell and Reitze]] against the same none. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Approved Acting Mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk. Jul 6 188 Be it rememberd that on this 6th day of July A D 1888 the Common Councilof the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: Acting Mayor Furth Councilmen Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell and Reitze]] & Clerk W R Forrest. The following proceedings are had towit: Petitions etc. Petition of Geo Egan for permission to move building from Jackson Street between Commercial and South Second Street to theCorner of Jackson and South third Streets, read and granted. Petition of Seattle Upholstery Supply & Mfg Co

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


519 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 6 1888 for permission to use a portion of Spring Street for storing material. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of H L Yesler & others for grading Mill Street from Williamson Street to Windsor Street read and referred to the Street Committee with instructions to report onthe same at this session of the Council. Communication from owners of property condemned along the line of Second Street appointing S E Clough to act as appraiser in their behalf; read and granted. Communication from owners of property benefited along the line of Second Street appointing F S D Wolfe to act as appraiser in their behalf, read and granted. Petition of F H Robinson Petezson and others for the opening of the alley in Bock 45 Maynard's plat from Mill St to Washington Street Read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of R E Knight for permission to change certain building on Front Street betweenSeneca and University Streets, Read and referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of J H Rengstorff for permission to repair frame building on Lot 5 Block 6 A A Denny's Addition read and referred to the Committee on Fire and Water. Monthly Reports Received. From City Attorney read and ordered filed. From Police Justices Soderberg and Jones read and ordered filed. From Street Commissioner referred to Street Committee and returned approved. From Harbormaster read and referred to Committee on Harbors & Wharves.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


520 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jul 6 1888 Committee Reports Received From Street committee rejecting petition of John Leary for a cable road franchise on Front Street for forty (40) years. Adopted From same Committee tabling the remonstrance of D S Smith & H Patrick against change of grade on West Street. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of W N White & others for grading and laying sidewalks on both sides of Lombard Street from Depot to Harrison Street recommending that the City Surveyor be directed to submit plans and specifications therefore. Adopted. From same Committee granting petition of J N Nist & others for grading Rollin Street and laying sidewalks on both sides of said street from Depot Street to Republican Street and recommending that the Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans and specifications therefore. Adopted. From same Committee rejecting the remonstrance of H L Yesler & others against against granting a franchise for a Cable Road on Front Street; and recommending that such franchise be granted to J M Thompson and his asociates. Adopted From same Committee granting petition of H L Yesler & others for grading Mill Street for a distance of twelve blocks for Williamson Street to Windsor Street. Adopted and the Surveyor directed to submit plans and specifications at the next meeting. From the Committee on Sewers and Drainage recom-

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


521 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jul 6 1888 mending that a sewer be put in Madison Street from 7th St to 12th St the same to be of 8 inch stone pipe. From Same Committee recommending that an 8 inch stone pipe sewer be put in on South Second Street between Main & Jackson Streets and connecting with the Main Street Sewer. Adopted. License Referred Seattle Hotel Company Licenses Ordered Issued. Joshua Prosser, Julius Wegert, J T Armstrong, Clancy & McMasters, Jensen & Kunst, Ahlby & Kriedel, Thompson & O'Hara, Shaw & Alger, Jno Brannan, O N Morse, J M Blanchard, Mark Norton, Wm Grose & Son, A F Able, Davidson and Grubb, Jo Francisco, Dietz and Meyer, Gumbert and Clinch, M Racine, A Slorah, E C Slorah, M McDonald W F Allen, E J Powers, Adolph Schander, Jacob Bersch, J W Smith, J H Foster, Oscar Johnson Fred Schoepp, Barnham and Carson, Oscar Johnson(2) Melhorn and Probst, Beede & Sinclair, J F McGrath, Henry Robbins, George Meister, John McCarey, Henry Robbins(2), H Haggenmaker, [L Diller]], A P Hoteling Co M & K Gottstein, Frank Heimen, Geo Delfel, James P Tighe, Charles Ross, Swanson and Anderson, Chas O'Hara and E C Huntley & Co, J T Armstrong, Julius Wegert & Co The vote upon issuing said licenses is a follows, to wit: In favor of the same Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell & Reitze. Against the same none. Bills allowed The following claims aginst the City having been duly audited and allowed are orderd paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows, viz:

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb



Names No of Warrent Fund $ ¢ Remarks
W. R. Forrest 3097 City 125 00 Salary city clerk
C. W. Ferris 3098 " 78 00 " Deputy
L. C. Gilman 3099 " 100 00 " City Atty
E. A. Turner 3100 " 100 00 " [?]
L. Cummings 3101 " 98 00 " Street Commis.
" " " 175 00 1 Horse
Saml A. Hoyt 3102 " 75 00 Salary Harbor Master
James Bogart 3103 " 60 00 " Janitor
Wm Murphy 3104 " 100 00 " Salary Chief Police
A. H. Manning 3105 " 90 - " Capt " "
Chas Robinson 3106 " 75 - " Police Officer
W. M. Jones 3107 " 75 - " " "
O. D. Butterfield 3108 " 75 - " " "
J. H. McClellan 3109 " 75 00 " " "
D. Phillips 3110 " 75 - " " "
D. H. Webster 3111 " 75 - " " "
D. F. Willard 3112 " 75 - " " "
P. Farraher 3113 " 75 - " " "
J. B. Brooks 3114 " 75 - " " "
Z. T. Holden 3115 " 75 - " " "
J. H. Beavo 3116 " 75 - " " "
E. H. Briggs 3117 " 75 - " " "
W. F. Peer 3118 " 75 - " " "
Ed Kinley 3119 " 75 - " " "
A. W. Ryan 3120 " 75 - " " "
S. Lucky 3121 " 65 - " Spl Policeman
E. Silvanio 3122 " 65 - " " "
Geo A. Templeton 3123 " 50 - " " "
Otto Haefler 3124 " 15 - " " "
W. D. Niehan 3125 " 15 - " " "
M. W. Bigelow 3126 " 15 - " " "
D. D. Merritt 3127 " 15 - " " "
Jacob Cowan 3128 " 15 - " " "
Allen Cook 3129 " 15 - " " "
Jno L. Mears 3130 " 20 - " " "
Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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