Jul 6 1888
Committee Reports Received
From Street committee rejecting petition of John
Leary for a cable road franchise on Front Street
for forty (40) years. Adopted
From same Committee tabling the remonstrance of
D S Smith & H Patrick against change of grade on
West Street. Adopted.
From same Committee granting petition of W N White
& others for grading and laying sidewalks on both
sides of Lombard Street from Depot to Harrison
Street recommending that the City Surveyor be
directed to submit plans and specifications therefore.
From same Committee granting petition of J N Nist
& others for grading Rollin Street and laying side-
walks on both sides of said street from Depot
Street to Republican Street and recommending that
the Surveyor be instructed to prepare plans and
specifications therefore. Adopted.
From same Committee rejecting the remonstrance of H L
Yesler & others against against granting a franchise for a
Cable Road on Front Street; and recommending that
such franchise be granted to J M Thompson and his
asociates. Adopted
From same Committee granting petition of H L
Yesler & others for grading Mill Street for a distance
of twelve blocks for Williamson Street to Windsor
Street. Adopted and the Surveyor directed to submit
plans and specifications at the next meeting.
From the Committee on Sewers and Drainage recom-
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