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Aug 3 1888
Vine Street Improvement Fund Ord #909
P & J M Quigley 1684 to 1686 2634.98 July Estimate
Albro Gardner 1687 52.16 Surveyor's Fees
Tenth Street Improvement Fund Ord #944
P & J M Quigley 1688 to 1692 974.91 July Estimate
Albro Gardner 1693 15.83 Surveyor's Fees
Wall Street Improvement Fund Ord #94[8]
P & J M Quigley 1684 to 1686 829.78 July Estimate
Albro Gardner 1687 28.64 Surveyor's Fees
Licenses Referred
M Garrett, Wm Deitchler, Mary McCarty, Thorndike & Co
Licenses Orderd Issued.
Harms & Dickman, Huey & Moon, Seelbach & Smith,
John Johnson and Adolph Schander. The vote upon
which said licenses are irdered issues is a follows,
to wit-: In favor of same Burns, Durie, Green,
Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz & Reitze against the
same none.
Depot Street Assessment Roll
Pursuant to law and published notice the Council
now proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment
roll of the Assessment dictrict established by
Ordinance No 928, entitled "An Ordinance to widen
extend and establish Depot Street in the city of Seattle
and to provide for the condemnation of real estate neces-
sary therefor" and on one appearing to contest the
same and no objection being made thereto it is
ordered that the said roll be and the same is hereby
Tax Levy on Fifth Street & Bell Street
Ordered that a tax of two hundred seventy four and 3/4
(274&3/4) mills on each and every dollar of the
assessed valuation of all the property included within
the assessment district created by Ordinance No 905
be and the same hereby is levied on siad property for
the purpose of paying for the improvement of Fifth

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