

Status: Indexed

Aug 20 1888
Be it remembered that on this 20th day of Aug AD 1888
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in
its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The
following officers are present His Honor the Mayor
Robt Moran and Councilmen Burns, Durie, Green, Jones
McCombs, Niesz & Reitze, absent McDonald.
Petitions etc
Petition of R Petkowits for permission to repair
roof on rear of building occupied by him as a
store on Front Street. Granted.
Communication from City Surveyor J H Scurry
accompanied with profile drawing showing alterations on
the Fifth Street grade at Marion Street & other
points. Referred to the City Atty with instruc-
tions to draw an ordinance in conformity with
the grade established thereby provided there are
no legal impediments.
Application for Licenses referred
Louis Lainere
The council now proceeds with the examination
and equalization of the Assessment Roll for the
year 1888
Ordered that John Sullivan be raised on Lots 4&5
Block 5 Boren's addn
from $1800 each to $18000 each.
Ordered that Albro Gardner be reduced on improv-
ments on Lot 9 Bk Bell's 5th from $700 to $420
Ordered that Dr T T Minor be reduced on Lots 5,6,7 & 8
Block 10 Terry's 2nd Addn
from $9000 to $7200.00
Ordered that Lot 3 block 27 assessed at $1200 be stricken
from Olive J Stewart's assessment and assessed to Lucy G Bell

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