Sep 7 1888
Ordered that the Chief of Police notify the owners of
property on Mill Street where the sidewalk had
been condemned to at once rebuild said sidewalk.
Ordered that the City Attorney prepare a profile of
a proper grade for Bluff Street and submit to
the Council at the next regular meeting.
Ordered that the City Clerk advertise for Bids
for Lighting the Streets, doing the city printing
furnishing lamp posts etc for the ensuing year.
Ordered that the matter of grading the alley be-
tween Main & Jackson & Commercial & South Second
Streets be referred to the Street Committee & the
matter of laying a sewer in said alley be
referred to the Committee on Sewers & Drainage.
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance fixing the limits of the
benefits and protection afforded by the
contract for the supply of water made by
the City with the Spring Hill Water Company
and within which property shall by subject
to a special tax to pay the water rent ac-
cording to said contract" which is passed
by the following vote viz:In favor of the
same Burns, Durie, Green,Jones, McCombs, Mc
Donald, Niesz & Reitze Against the same none.
An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance fixing the limits of
the benefits fo Street Light provided by the
City and within which property shall be subject
to a special tax for lighting the streets" which
is passed by the following vote viz:In favor
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