618 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 28 1888 Be it remembered that on the 28th day of Sept A D 1888 The Common Council of the City of Seattle met pursuant to adjournment in their council chamber in the City Hall. Present His Hon the Mayor Robert Moran Councilmen F J Burns, D E Durie, Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas McCoombs J F McDonald and C F Reitze Petition of the Cedar Valley Water Co asking for a franchise to lay water pipes. Read and referred to Com on fire & Water. The Mayor reads a message recommending that the City consider the advisibility of owning and operating the Water works which is referred to the Committee on Fire &Water. In the matter of Alden S Chase, proprieter of the Mechanics Saloon in North Seattle, who was cited to appear and show cause why his license for the sale of liquors should not be revoked after hearing the testimony the case was dismissed by a unanimous vote. Upon motion of Jos Green officer D F Willard is elected Captain of Police to work for patrol pay. Upon motion of Councilman Reitze it is ordered that the old lumber taken from the Jackson Street Bridge be sold to the Puget Sound Union Stock Yard Co for $4.00 pr M[thousand board feet] The matter of finishing the No end of Seventh St Ord 829 referred to Street Com. withpower to act. The following bill having been duly audited is ordered paid and warrant drawn. Harrison Street Imp Fund Ord No W N White 89# $2126.72
619 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 28 1888 Virginia Street Tax Levy Ordered that a tax of One hundred and fifty one (151) Mills on each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of all propertyincluded within the assessment district created by Ord No 938 be and the same hereby is lveied on said property for the purpose of paying for the improvement of Virginia Street from West Street to Fourth Street in the City of Seattle. The Clerk submits an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote: Burns, Durie, Green , Jones, McCoombs McDonald and Reitze Against same none. Ordered that the Councildonow adjourn Approved Robert H Moran mayor Attest C W Ferris dep clerk Oct 5 1888 Be it remembered that on the 5th day of October A D 1888 The Common Council of the City of Seattle met in their Council Chamber in the City Hall pursuant to law. Present His Hon the Mayor Robert Moran Councilmen F J Burns, D E Durie, Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas McCoombs and C F Reitze and Clerk W R Forrest Petitions etc. Petition of Harry Daniels & others for street lights on Birch Street from Depot to Harrison St. Read and granted same to be 16 cp on wooden posts. Petition of A E Knight for permission to use a portion of Front Street for building material for a period of 90 days Read and Granted. Petition of O S Jones et al for a street light at the corner