Oct 5 1888
City requires the property owners to build sewers in
alleys to drain private property.
From City Attorney in the matter of the payment of
delinquent taxes recommending that the amount of
tax due from D H Webster as stated be accepted and
interest remitted. Adopted.
The City Attorney on claim of Alexander Bousinet for dam-
ages occasioned by a fall caused by defective sidewalk
recommending that the sum of $100.00 be paid the claiment
Ciy attorney instructed to settle the claim for $100.00.
From Com on Sewers & Drainage recommending that the City Clerk
be instructed to write Geo E Waring Jr inviting him to
come to Seattle and offering to pay fees mentioned
on his letter together with all reasonable traveling
expenses to and from Seattle. Adopted.
From Street Commissioner making certain recommenda-
tions and suggestions in regard to the condition of
Mill and Jackson Streets contiguous to the Seattle Construct-
ion Co's cable road. Chairman Jones of Street Com. states
that Cable Road Co have agreed to place streets in good
Purchasing Agent directed to order flushing tanks for
James, Madison, and Union Street sewers.
From Finance Committee recommending that the City CLerk
advertise for two lots for Fire purposes one to be
within two blocks of the Corner of 9th & Terrace and
one within two Blocks of the Corner of 5th & Battery
Streets and making certain other suggestions and
recommendations in regard to the Fire Department.
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