Oct 5 1888
an additional force of ten (10) special policemen
for night duty.
Ordered that the alley situated between Battery and Wall
Front and West Streets be declared a nuisance in its
present condition and the chief of Police directed to
abate the same.
Ordered that the Purchasing Agent be directed to
purchase such shackles as maybe needed to work
a chain gang on the streets.
Harrison Street Tax Levy
Ordered that a tax of Three Hundred Fourteen and one
half (314&1/2) mills on each and every dollar of the
assessed valuation of all the property included
within the assessment district created by Ordinance
No 956 be and the same hereby is levied on said
propert for the purpose of paying for the
improvements of said street from Elliot's Bay to
Box Street in the City of Seattle.
Plat of H E Holmes's Addition to the City of Seattle is
referred to the City Engineer.
the City Atty submits an ordinance entitled "An ordinance es-
tablishing the grade of Bluff Street in the city of Seattle from
the west side of Light Street to the South side of Powell Street"
Passed by the following vote: In favor F J Burns, D E Durie
Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas Mc Coombs C F Reitze. Against same none.
Also, an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to amend ordinance
No 892 Ssection 3 entitled 'an ordinance providing Harbor
rules and regulations of the city of Seattle' approved Jan 7/88"
Passed by the following vote: In favor F J Burns, D E Durie
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