640 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 2 1888 Be it remembered that on this 2nd day of November 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in it's Council chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present ot wit-: His honor the Mayor Robert Moran and Councilmen F J Burns, D E Durie, Jos Green, T E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald & C F Reitze. Absent U R Niesz. The following procedings are had to wit: Petions Etc Petition of A W Piper and others praying that a layer of sawdust be spread on Grant Street Bridge to diminish the racking and jarring thereof caused by teams passing over said Bridge. Read and Referred to Street Committee with power to act. Petition of C W Lynch & others for street lights on Howell Street from 10th to 12th Street inclusive, read and on motion granted. Petition of Frederick and Maud forpermission to put a store front in building situated on South half of Lot 7 Block 3 Maynard's Plat read and referred to the Committee on Fire and Water. Petition of Mrs. H E Zoak for lease of Alley on Washinton Street East of the Standard Theatre read and tabled. Petition of Hannah E Alden for a drain at Eleventh and Lane Streets read and referred to Street Com. Petition of Eliza Griffiths, for permission to alter & repair building on Lot 1 Block 16 Maynard's Plat read and referred to Fire and Water Com. Petition of Jno R Kinnear & others for Street Lights on
641 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 2 1888 on Kentucky, Harrison, Temperance, Roy, Light and Bluff Streets, read and granted. Petition of Chester Cleary for permission to build addition in rear of his store on East side of Front Street read and on motion tabled. Petition of Geo Kinnear for permission to lay sidewalks on Roy, Light, and Banner Streets, read and granted. the work to be done under the supervision of the City Surveyor. Petition of Puget Sound Navigation Company for the opening of Pine Street in South Seattle West to the City limits, read and granted. Petition of Chas Armstrong and others for the planking of Main and South Second Street, read and referred to the Street Comittee with power to act. Petition of O N Morse & others for permission to raise the sidewalk around the Arlington House ten inches above the grade read and on motion tables and Mr Morse be notified to lower his sidewalk to grade. Petition A W Engle and others for change of grade on Tenth Street at Jefferson Street read and granted. Petition of J L Kehaley and others for opening alley through Block 47 Terry's 1st Addn read and referred to Street Com. Petition of Toklas and Singerman and others for planking alley in Block "M" Terry's 3rd Addn read and referred to Street Committe. Petition of the Pacific Coast Detective Agency for
642 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 2 1888 police appointment, read and referred to Committee on Health & Police & afterward reported back by said Committee recommending that the petition be rejected Report adopted and petition rejected. Petition of Hamm & Smitz for permission to erect corrugated iron addition to building Corner South Second Street and Washington Street read and referred to Committee on Fire and Water. Petition of Lake Union Furniture Company & others for a drain in Block 106 D T Denny's First Addition read and referred to the Street Comittee. Petition of P Cunningham andothers for a fire plug Corner of Seventh and Stewart Streets read and referred to the Street Committee. Communication from Welch & Olsen in regard to Sewage System referred to Com on Sewers & Drainage. Monthly reports Recieved From City Attorney Read and ordered filed From Chief of Police Read and ordered filed From Police Justices Jones & Soderberg referred From City Treasurer Read & Referred to Finance Com. From Street Commr Referred to Street Com & Approved From Harbor Master Read and ordered filed From Chief of Fire Dept Read & referred to Fire & Water Com. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee granting petition of G E Gillett & others for the opening of Albert Street from Depot Street to Grange Street adopted. From Same Committee Granting petition of Thos
643 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 2 1888 Mercer & others for the opening on High Street adopted. From Same Committee Granting petition of Lewis & Gilman et al for the grading of Rainier Street adopted and the Cit Surveyor instructed to submit plans & specification. From Same Committee recommending that the petitions of McNatt & Clark and Jno Egan for erection of wooden structures within the fire limits be referred to the Fire & Water Committee. Ordered referred to said Com. From Same Committee recommending that the City subscribe the sum of $175.00 for the purpose of protecting shade trees planted by theArbor Association adopted From Same Committee Granting petition of A W Engle et als fro vacating alley in Block 89 C C Terry's Second Addition adopted. Application for liquor licenses referred Davis & Harvey Bills Allowed The following claims against the city having een duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows, to wit: Name no fund amount Remarks W R Forrest 3414 City 150.00 Salary City Clerk C W Ferris 3415 City 100.00 Salary Deputy City Clerk Saml H Piles 3416 City 150.00 Salary City Atty Laurence Cummings 3417 City 125.00 Salary Street Commr Dan'l A Hoyt 3418 City 75.00 Salary Harbor Master Isaac Parker 3419 City 125.00 Salary City Treasurer R M Eames 3420 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer James Bogart 3421 City 75.00 Salary Jailer & Janitor
644 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 2 1888 James Bogart 3421 City 150.00 Board of Pirsoners J C Mitchell 3422 City 150.00 Salary Chief of Police Ed Briggs 3423 City 150.00 Salary Captn of Police D F Willard 3424 City 150.00 Salary Captn of Police W I Peer 3425 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Wm Morris 3426 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer J W Huff 3427 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer S Leckie 3428 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer E R Harding 3429 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer D H Webster 3430 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Partick Farraher 3431 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer H A Biglow 3432 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer W E Carey 3433 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Ben Thompson 3434 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Geo Templeton 3435 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer D Phillips 3436 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Henry Sheahan 3437 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 3438 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Z T Haden 3439 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 3440 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Ed Kinley 3441 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer W A Cover 3442 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer A W Ryan 3443 City 75.00 Salary Police Officer Jno Kelley 3444 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Nick Hanna 3445 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police C S Cady 3446 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police J E Temey 3447 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Phillip Sullivan 3448 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Edward Young 3449 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Alex McCuen 3450 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police James O'Gannon 3451 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Chas Phillips 3452 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Chris Nagle 3453 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Thomas Moran 3454 City 60.00 Salary Spl Police Sealander & Neally 3455 City 1050.00 Unforms for Police W A Chong 3456 City 165.00 Nut Oil [total]2509.45