Nov 2 1888
on Kentucky, Harrison, Temperance, Roy, Light and Bluff
Streets, read and granted.
Petition of Chester Cleary for permission to build ad-
dition in rear of his store on East side of
Front Street read and on motion tabled.
Petition of Geo Kinnear for permission to lay sidewalks
on Roy, Light, and Banner Streets, read and granted.
the work to be done under the supervision of the
City Surveyor.
Petition of Puget Sound Navigation Company for the
opening of Pine Street in South Seattle West to the
City limits, read and granted.
Petition of Chas Armstrong and others for the planking
of Main and South Second Street, read and referred to
the Street Comittee with power to act.
Petition of O N Morse & others for permission to raise
the sidewalk around the Arlington House ten inches
above the grade read and on motion tables and
Mr Morse be notified to lower his sidewalk to grade.
Petition A W Engle and others for change of grade
on Tenth Street at Jefferson Street read and granted.
Petition of J L Kehaley and others for opening alley through
Block 47 Terry's 1st Addn read and referred to Street Com.
Petition of Toklas and Singerman and others for planking
alley in Block "M" Terry's 3rd Addn read and referred to
Street Committe.
Petition of the Pacific Coast Detective Agency for
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