


Status: Indexed

Nov 2 1888
Wm H Hughes Ptg Co 3457 City 69.00 Printing Blanks
Queen City Towing Co 3458 City 8.00 Towing Buoy
Steamer Bee 3459 City 10.00 Removing Obstructions
Thomas R Hughes 3460 City 270.00 Rebate on License
Sunset Telephone Co 3461 City 18.45 Telephone Service
Gordon Hardware Co 3462 City 61.65 Police Supplies
Puget Sound Tel Co 3463 City 70.00 Rent of Police Headquarters
Press Printing Co 3464 City 12.70 Printing Ordinances etc
A H Dawson 3465 City 5.00 Numbering Files
Jesse F Cochrane 3466 City 12.80 Painting Numbers
Benson & McKinnon 3467 City 25.00 Leg Irons
Harrington & Smith 3468 City 18.08 Rope For Harbor Master
Chas McDonald 3469 City 35.20 Repairs on Jail
Seattle Title Inc Co 3471 City 116.45 Justice Fees
N Soderberg 3472 City 84.75 Justice Fees
Jas Woolery 3473 City 2.20 Witness Jones Ct
W Murphy 3474 City 2.20 Witness Jones Ct
J L Mears 3475 City 2.20 Witness Jones Ct
R H Crauer 3476 City 2.20 Witness Jones Ct
Lowman & Hanford 3477 City 39.65 Printing Blanks etc
H Argens 3478 City 9.10 Lock etc for Jail
Hall & Paulson Fur Co 3479 City 18.00 Office Table
Alex Boussinet 3480 City 100.00 Damages
Jno G Scurry 3481 City 114.26 City Surveyors fees
Pay Roll St Laborers 2555 to2622 Road 2479.35 Labor on Streets
H Casey 2623 Road 7.25 Carrots
D E Durie 2624 Road 54.14 Feed
J Nunan 2625 Road 44.18 Feed
Jones & Hubbell 2626 Road 1.86 Hay
McKinnon & Co 2627 Road 91.19 Repairs along Coml St
M McTeigh 2628 Road 7.90 Repg harness etc
J A McBeath & Co 2629 Road 32.10 Horse Shoeing etc
Moran Bros 2630 Road 20.15 Sewer Castings
Robt G Westerman 2631 Road 50.52 Supplies of St Commr

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