650 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 2 1888 a punishment for the violation of such regulations which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green McCombs, McDonald and Reitze against the same None. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green, McCombs, McDonald and Reitze against the same None. Ordered that the Ordinance regulating rates of the Lake Union Water Company be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to be reported on at the first regular meeting in December. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn Approved Robert Moran mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Nov 16th Be it remembered that on this 16th day of November A D 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The followingofficers are present, to wit: His Honor the mayor Robert Moran and Councilmen F J Burns, D E Durie, T E Jones, Jas McCombs, J F McDonald, U R Neisz and C F Reitze. Absent Jos Green The following proceedings are had to wit: Petitions etc. Petition of H M Peters to have sidewalk at the Corner of Fifth of Pike Streets raised and repaired, read and referred to Street Committee.
651 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 16th 1888 Petitionfo Nellis Willliams for permission to repair and alter house situated between South Third and South Fourth Streets and Mill & Washington Streets read and on motion rejected. Petition of Hall & Ritchie praying that South 11th St be accepted and that they receive the contract price therefor except so much as may be necessary to withhold as a guarenty until such times as the sidewalk moved out of line shall have been repaired by the petitioners, read and referred to the Street Com. Petition of Wa Chong for permission to build a Coal bin 8x8 amd also put an iron roof 14 feet square over a portion of the unoccupied space on South Third Street, the property of petitioner to be used a a wagon shed, read and referred to Com on Fire & Water. Petition of J F Armstrong for permission to transfer liquor license read and granted. Petition of James Sutton for permission to put a new door & enlarge window in the north side of the Tremont House, read and referred to the Fire and Water Committee with power to act. Petition of Jeanette C Nevins for a compensation for drainages cause by change of grade corner of Second and Wall Street read and referred to Street Com. Petition of O N Morse for permission to cut door in side of Arlington Hotel read and referred to Fire & Water Com. Petition of Geo W Ely for permission to make certain alterations and repairs on Northe side of Tremont House read and referred to Committee on Fire & Water.
652 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 16 1888 Petition of Allen & Ayers for permission to build approach to livery stable on west side of South Third Street between Mill & Washington Streets, read and referred to the committee on Fire & Water. Communication for S N Miller in reference to sewerage on plat. Ready and Filed, Petition of James Davis & Gus Batz for permission to build small cabins on South Fourth Street just within the fire limits read and referred to Judiciary Committee. Petition of Joseph Felton for permission to put up a building on Jefferson Street read and referred to Street Committee with power to act. Petition of Searcy and Whiteline for permission to put up an awning on Second Street between Cherry and James Streets read and on motion Granted. Petition of John Collins for permission to grade Second Street from Mill Street to James Street, read and referred to Committee on Streets. Petition of Quong Chong for permission to put partitions in house within fire limits read and referred to Committee on Fire and Water. Petition of [David Gilmore]] and others for the improvement of University Street west of Front Street read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Chiads and Lombardini for permission to erect a frame buidling two stories high on South Third Street on South1/2 of
653 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 16 1888 Maynard's Plat, read and referred to the Judiciary Com. Petition of Board of Trade for amending ordinance relative to auctioneers, peddlers etc read and referred to the Committee on Fire & Water. Petition of Jno R Kinnear and others for planking Bluff Street from Victory Street to Short Street read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of W A Bird andothers for opening and grading Wilford Street from Jackson Street south read and referred to Committee on Streets. Petiton of J Winters for permission to put platform and awning in front of building in [Commercial St] Read and referred to Committee on Public Buildings & Grounds. Communication for P P Carroll attys for Louis Engels claiming damages for said Engels on account of injuries received while working in a sewer for the City, read and referred to the City Attorney. Communications for Chief of Police asking for a safe read and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Petition os A E McInerney for use of a portion of Harrison Street read and referred to Street Committee. Petitoin of H G Struve andothers for grading Second Street from Pine to Blanchard Street read and Granted provided that the warrants drawn for payment of such improvements shall not have theinterest thereon uarenteed by the City, and property owners along the line of such improvement agree to take the warrants as par or near par value. On motion
654 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 16 1888 of councilman Reitze the City surveyor is instructed to submit plans and specifications for said improvements at the next meeting of the Council. Mayro's Message. His honor now reads h is message to the Council as follows viz: Seattle Nov 15 1888 Gentlemen of the Council I have the honor to inform you that on Nov 15 1888 it was brought to my notice that the special election ordered to be held in this City Nov 19 1888 under Ordinance No 1009 passed by your Honorable body Nov 2nd 1888 would be held be illegal, and in view of the above fact I caused to be published the following: Proclamation by the Mayor of the City of Seattle. Whereas, On the 2nd Day of November 1888 by order of the Common Council of the City of Seattle, a special election was ordered to be held on the 19th day of November 1888, in order that the voters of said City might at said election vote for or against the erection of such certain water works as were described in the proclamation of the Mayor of said city calling for such election; and whereas, said special election was ordered to be held under the provisions of Section 12 of the amended charter of the City of Seattle , as complied and published by order of the Common Council thereof; and Whereas it now appears that said Section 12 of the said City Charter so compiled and issued is not a correct copy of said section as printed and published in the session laws of 1885-6 in this That whereas section12 of said compiled charter provides that the said question may be submitted to the voters of Seattle as "A General or Special Election"