Nov 16 1888
of councilman Reitze the City surveyor is instructed
to submit plans and specifications for said
improvements at the next meeting of the Council.
Mayro's Message.
His honor now reads h is message to the Council
as follows viz:
Seattle Nov 15 1888
Gentlemen of the Council I have the honor to
inform you that on Nov 15 1888 it was brought
to my notice that the special election ordered to
be held in this City Nov 19 1888 under Ordinance No
1009 passed by your Honorable body Nov 2nd 1888
would be held be illegal, and in view of the above
fact I caused to be published the following:
Proclamation by the Mayor of the City of Seattle.
Whereas, On the 2nd Day of November 1888 by
order of the Common Council of the City of
Seattle, a special election was ordered to be held
on the 19th day of November 1888, in order that the
voters of said City might at said election vote
for or against the erection of such certain water works
as were described in the proclamation of the
Mayor of said city calling for such election; and
whereas, said special election was ordered to
be held under the provisions of Section 12 of the
amended charter of the City of Seattle , as complied
and published by order of the Common Council thereof; and
Whereas it now appears that said Section 12 of
the said City Charter so compiled and issued is
not a correct copy of said section as printed and
published in the session laws of 1885-6 in this
That whereas section12 of said compiled charter
provides that the said question may be submitted
to the voters of Seattle as "A General or Special Election"
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