


Status: Page Status Indexed

Dec 21 1888
Gilman and others to establish grade on University street from
Front street to Railroad Avenue. Adopted.
From same Committee recommending that the petition of Jno Collins
for grading Second street from James to Mill streets be granted
so far as to allow petitioner to make temporary grade. Adopted.
From same Committee granting petition of S.N. Sorenson for a
sidewalk on Spring street from Second to Third streets the
cost thereof to be assessed to abutting property owners.
From same Committee on petition of Jno L Kahaley et al. for the
opening of alley through Block 47 Terrys 1st. addn, "That the open-
ing means the grading of said alley which should be done at
the expense of the property owners and that if this is what
the owners wish they petition accordingly. Adopted.
From same Committee granting the petition of Chas Baker
and others for the planning of Front street from Battery to
Vine streets. Adopted.
From same Committee recommending that petition of
Mary L. Damon & others for change of sidewalks on
5th street be referred to City Surveyor. So ordered.
From same Committee granting the petition of Geo Dorffel
& others for opening Kenny street & clearing obstructions.
From Committee on Public buildings and grounds recommen-
ding the appropriation $1000.00 for the improvement of
Kinnear Park. Adopted.
Communication from City Surveyor in regard to grade
of 5th street with recommendations. Referral to Street Com.

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