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House of Delegates of the City of Seattle

july 20/91 The House of Delegates of the City of Seattle
meets this 20 th day of July 1891 at 7 30
PM pursuant to adjournment. President
R.W. Jones in the chair, at roll call
the following officers are present
Bagley Barnes Barton Cowder Davis
Furry Kittinger Krug Lansing Morford
Shipley Willis M President

The following proceedings are had
Journal of the last meeting read +

The following message was read from
the Mayor [?] [?] to the Finance Com

Office of the Mayor Seattle July 20th 1891

To The Honorable, The City Council of

Gentlemen, I learn that you are
in doubt-whether to approve of certain
items of expense I sent in to your honorable
body as having been incurred in
[?] cases of extreme distress
or in Sunday papers out of the city
as your hesitation raises a question
of Public policy I submit that so
long as necessitions cases are referred
to me by you I shall take such steps
as in my judgement seen to meet
the adjournment of each case and
such as were best promote the city

I have not sought and do not
desire the responsibilities.

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