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18 Journal of the Joint Proceedings of the

June 5th 1891. Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of June A.D. 1891 the Board of Alder -men and the House of Delegates of the City of Seattle met in Joint Convention the President of the Board of Aldermen Geo W. Hall in the chair.

At roll call the following members were present; Delegates Bagley, Barnes, Cowder Harford Kittinger, Lansing, Jones, Morford Muldoor, Shipley, Willis, Sweeney, Snyder M"Chairman.

The following proceedings are had

Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

The chairman announced the object of the meeting to be according to law (Section 8 Article XVIII of the Charter) for the purpose of canvassing the return of the Special Election held on Monday June 12 A.D. 1891.

The following results were found: That the total number of votes cast at said election was Nine hundred and thirty nine (939) votes.

That the total number of votes cast "In favor of the assent to and notification of the at-tempted incurring by acts of the coporate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebted-ness on the part of said city represented by the warrants embraced in "Class One" as specified in section one of Ordinance No 1706 of said City, drawn payable out of the road fund of said City and the face amounts whereof aggregate

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19 Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE

the sum of $33279 92/100" was Eight hundred and forty one (841) votes.

And that the total number of votes cast "Against the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring by acts of the corporate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebteness on the part of said City represented by the warrants embraced in "Class One" as specified in section one of Ordinance N" 1706 of said City drawn payable out of the road fund of said City and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $33279 92/100 was Eighty (80) votes. Wherefor a majority of seven hundred and sixty one (761) votes was for warrants specified as "Class One" and the same (761 votes) being more than three-fifths of the assent of the voters voting at said election the proposition was declared carried.

That the total number of votes cast "In favor of the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring, by acts of the corporate authorities of the city of Seattle of the indebtedness on the part of said City represented by the warrants embraced in "Class two" as specified in section one of Ordinance N" 1706 of said city drawn pay-able out of the road fund of said city and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $91567 73/100" was Eight hundred and thirty six (836) votes.

And that the total number of votes cast "Against the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring by acts of the cor-porate authorities of the City of Seattle of the

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20 Journal of the Joint Proceedings of the

indebtedness on the past of said City repre-sented by the warrants embraced in "Class Two" as specified in section one of Ordi-nance No"1706 of said city, drawn pay-able out of the road fund of said city and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $91567. 73/100" was Eighty (80) votes: Wherefor a majority of Seven hundred and fifty six (756) votes was for warrants speci-fied as "Class Two" and the same (756 votes) being more then three-fifth of the as-sent of the voters voting at said election the proposition was declared carried.

That the total number of voter cast "In favor of the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring by acts of the cor-porate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebtedness on the past of said city re-presented by the warrants embraced in "Class Three" as specified in section one of Ordinance No" 1706 of said City drawn payable out of the road fund of said City and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $188350 20/100" was Eight hundred and thirty one (831) votes.

And that the total number of votes cast Against the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring by acts of the corporate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebtedness on the part of said city represented by the warrants embraced in "Class Three" as specified in section one of Ordinance No" 1706 of said City drawn payable out of the road fund of said city and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $188350 20/100" was Eighty (80) votes.

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21 Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE

Wherefor a majority of Seven hundred and fifty one (751) votes was for warrants specified as "Class Three" and the same (751 votes) being more than three-fifths of the assent of the voters voting at said election the proposition was declared carried.

That the total number of votes cast In favor of the assent to and ratifi -cation of the attempted incurring by acts of the corporate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebtedness on the part of said city represented by the warrants embraced in "Class Four" as specified in section one of Ordinance No" 1706 of said City drawn payable out of the fire fund of said City and the face amounts whereof aggregate the sum of $57781 59/100" was Eight hundred and Twenty-four (824) votes.

And that the total number of votes cast Against the assent to and ratification of the attempted incurring by acts of the corporate authorities of the City of Seattle of the indebtedness on the part of said city represented by the warrants embraced in "Class Four" as specified in section one of Ordinance No" 1706 of said city drawn payable out of the fire fund of said City and the face amounts whereof aggre-gate the sum of $57781 59/100" was seventy-nine (79) votes Wherefore a majority of Seven hundred and forty five (745) votes was for warrants specified as "Class Four" and the same (745 votes) being more than three-fifths of the assent of the voters voting

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22 Journal of the Joint Proceedings of the

at said election the proposition was declared carried.

That the total number votes cast " In favor of the issurance and the sale by the city of Seattle to N. W. Harris +Co of Chicago Ill, in pursuance and according to the terms of the contract of said city with said N. W. Harris +Co dated April 10th 1891 as proposed in and by Ordinance No 1707 of said City of bonds of said city in the sum of $460000 00/100 or such lesser sum as shall be sufficient for the funding of such and so many of the warrants, with the interest accured and to accure thereof, drawn payable out of the road fund and the fire fund respectively of said city bearing dates respectively between September 21, 1889 and August 16, 1890 both inclusive and in the preamble of said ordinance partionlarly described as may be valid warrants and outstanding and unpaid at the date in said ordinance prescribed for the issur-ance of such bonds July 1st 1891" was Eight hundred and twenty-six (826) votes

And that the total number of votes cast "Against the issurance and the sale by the City of Seattle to N. W. Harris +Co of Chicago Ill, in pursuance and according to the terms of the contract of said city with said N. W. Harris +Co dated April 10, 1891 as proposed in and by Ordinance No 1707 of said city of bonds of said city in the sume of $460000 00/100 or such lesser sum as shall be sufficient for the funding of such and so many of the warrants with the interest

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