Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates
accrued and to accrue thereon to July 1
1891 heretofore issued on the past of said
city by the corporate authorities thereof
drawn payable out of the [?] fund
and the fire fund respectively of said
city bearing dates respectively of said city
between September 21, 1889 and August 16,
1890, both inclusive, and in the preamble
of said ordinance particularly described
as may be valid warrants and outstand
-ing and unpaid at the date in said
ordinance prescribed for the issuance of
such banks July 1, 1891" was Seventy-
-nine (79) votes. Wherefor a majority of
Seven hundred and forty-seven (747) votes
was for the issuance and sale of bonds by
the City, and the same (747 votes) being
more then three-fifths of the assent of the
voters voting at said election the pro-
-position was declared carried.
That the total number of scattering votes
was five (5)
An invitation was received and read
from the [?] for the City Council to attend
the ceremonies of the laying of the corner stone
of the [?] Temple.
M motion was made that same be accepted
A motion was made to adjourn. Carried.
City Clerk
Geo W Hall
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