35 Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE.
Be it remembered that on this the 14th day of October A.D. 1891 the Board of Aldermen and the House of Delegates of the City Council of the City of Seattle met in Joint Scession persuant to a motion published in the City official newspapers on September 29th A.D. 1891 [inserted: Street Improvment setting date for consideration of assessment Roll of Stewart, Temperence, Alton, and Warren as per affidavit now or file in the office of the City Clerk, The Chairman Geo. W. Hall in the chair
At roll call the following members were present
Delegates - Bagley - Barnes - Barton - Harford - Hart - Morford - Shipley - Willis - Jones - 9
Aldermen - Bogardus - Kour - Miller - Pontuis - Snyder - Sweeney - Wilcox - Geo. W. Hall - 8
The following proceedings are had.
Minutes of the Previous meeting read and approved.
= Stewart Street Roll=
The assessment Roll for Stewart Street Improvement was taken up and read
Total Cost of Improvement 30974.85 " to be Paid by Property Owners 28347.10 " " " " " the City 2627.75
The following protest were filed against said Stewart Street assessment.
That of P.H. Lewis owners of Lots 4 and 5 Block 7 the former being assured 90 feet and the latter for 30 feet
36 Journal of the Joint Proceedings of the
That of J.C. Peterson President Board of Trustees of Norwegian Danish M.E. Church assured for $81 69/100 and the Lot situated on the corner of 5th and Olive Street
That of Olive. J. Stewart by Roswell Scott against owner of Lot 10 Block 41 Heirr S.A. Bells 2nd Addition.
That of the Oregon Furniture Company owners of Lot 6 Block 6 S.A. Bells 1st Addition.
That of the J.R. Andrews owner of Lots 10 and 11 Block 11 and Lot 7 Block 5 Heirr S.A. Bells 1st Addition and Lots 11 and 12 Block 52 Heirr S.A. Bells 2nd Addition.
After some discussion a motion was made to refer the assessment Roll of Stewart Street Im-provement together with the several protests to the Judiciary Consuittes of the two houses for their investi-gation and report. Carried.
=Temperence Street Roll=
The Assessment Roll For Temperence Street Improve-ment was taken up and read. Total Cost of Improvement $2210.00 " " to Property Owners $2081.52 " " " City Street Crossings 128.48.
A protest was filed by W.H. Shously against the assessment alledging irregularities and want of proper notice being given by publications.
37 Board of Aldermen and House of Delegates OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE.
A motion was made that the assessment roll of Temperence Street improvement and the pro-test of W. H. Shoudy be referred to the Judi-ciary Committie of the two houses. Carried.
= Alton Street Roll =
The assessment roll for Alton Street improve-ment was taken up and read.
Total Cost of Improvement 601.50 Amt to be paid by property owners $601.50 " " " " " City $000.00 (nothing)
M" Morford objected to the estimate of $601.50 stating that an estimate of $450 00/100 would more then cover the cost of the improvement.
A motion was made that the assessment Roll of Alton Street Improvement be referred to the Street Improvement Committie of the two houses Carried.
= Warren Street Roll =
The assessment roll for Warren Street Improve-ment was taken up and read. Total Cost of improvement 2500.00 " to be Paid by Property owners $1993.23 " " " " " the city 506.77
No protest having been filed and no objections made a motion was made that the Roll be approved. Carried by the following vote. In favor Bagley - Barnes - Barton - Harford - Hart - Morford - Shipley - Willis - Jones
38 Journal of the Joint Proceedings of the
Bogardus - Kour - Miller - Pontuis - Snyder - Sweeney - Wilcox - M" Chairman - 17 Against - none.
A motion was made to adjourn until Wed-nesday October 21st A.D. 1891 7.30 oclock P.M. Carried
Approved Geo W Hall Chairman
Attest H.W.Miller City Clerk.